
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Food Heroes Octalysis Design Challenge

It’s finally here! The 2017 Octalysis Gamification Design Challenge – Food Heroes!

Many challenges are reserved for Octalysis Prime members only, but this challenge is open to the public since we want to maximize our impact on social good.


The design challenge will be about Food Heroes, motivating kids in China to eat healthily and sustainably. The Octalysis Group has already designed an engaging 7 Week Kindergarten program to engage the kids.

However, Food Heroes needs to figure out how to engage and train the teachers to run the 7 Week Program. They also need to create a follow-on online subscription box to make sure the kids are still eating healthily and engaged with the brand for the next 12 months.

Your job as a Octalysis Gamification Designer is to either (1) Help them create a gamified training program for the teachers, or (2) Design the 12 Month Subscription Box that the parents will order for their kids and play as a family.

Prizes for Winning

Option 1: Four Days of Food Heroes in China

JUCCCE will pay for economy class, non-refundable, non-changeable ticket to Shanghai and work with the JUCCCE team to see the Food Hero Program in action and eat the food. JUCCCE will sponsor 5 nights of housing for this visit.

Option 2: Spend a day with Yu-kai Chou in California

JUCCCE will pay for economy class, non-refundable, non-changeable ticket to California to hangout with Yu-kai for a day. The winner can shadow Yu-kai on his work and discuss anything interesting. Two nights of lodging will be provided in California by Yu-kai Chou in either Fremont or Milpitas.

Other Finalist Prizes

Gain exposure and bragging status in the Octalysis/Gamification community
-Finalists will receive a Level II Octalysis Certificate by The Octalysis Group
Immortalize your design by becoming a standard Octalysis Prime design case study (through video conferencing with Yu-kai Chou)
-Potential qualification to interview Octalysis Group for Consulting Career

Please Submit your work and design to by December 20, 2017.

Look forward to discover the next Octalysis Gamification Master in the community and change the sustainable future of our next generation!

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