
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Brilliant Earth Day Video: Heal Our World, Heal Ourselves

Earth Day, Dance, and Media

My friends at Pacha’s Pajamas created an awesome video for Earth Day, with the focused message of balancing the negative and dirty media with positive and inspirational media for our children and future generations.

The end product is a dance video called Nature Superhero. The song itself is quite inspiration, as one of the rappers is Lil JaXi, a kid who has a severe case of stuttering and was bullied in school, until he discovered that his stuttering goes away when he starts to rap.

I wish more companies would do things to inspire the world through fun, dance, and positive messages.

If you believe in the cause of reinforcing media with positive messages, it would be powerful to share the video with your friends and embed it on your own sites.

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