
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (15 of 90): Scarcity & Impatience

Gamification Video Guide #15!

Hey guys! Finally made the 15th episode. Woot!

It probably won’t take long to notice that the video is done in a different style and done by someone else! That’s right. We have our good old pal Nikita, whom I met on Twitter, to gracefully put together this new video with techno music and better graphics of my face.

There’s been a lot of transitional learning, basically me figuring out how to get something so intimate as me talking straight for 10 minutes (which is me really talking for 1 hour cut down into 10 minutes) and hand that to someone else. Would he make me look fatter? Would I sound dumber? What if he put in a scene where I was using the bathroom??

All those are difficult questions to answer in life and fortunately the video turned out good (besides my usual shakiness…grr, must walk better…or walk the talk!)

Nikita is Russian (studying in London) so he can take some harsh comments (I already emptied my magazine on him and he is still standing strong like a terminator). If you see how things can improve (or if you like the techno music a lot less than the mysterious suspenseful ambience that I previously put in), let us know!

Work’s been busy (still procrastinating on hiring me to be your consultant?), so I figured I had to transition it to someone so that I can actually realistically finish my amazing series one day.

Nothing else is that new….speaking in Florida, speaking in China (best hospitality I ever received from a company – thank you Huawei!), speaking in India (lots of drama with getting a visa), speaking in Europe, launched the Octalysis Tool so people in Barcelona don’t have to make the Octalysis chart with string, trying to figure out how to make money for my blog so I can at least pay for it’s own operations, got accepted to speak at SxSW (thank you HelloBar and all my awesome readers!), book coming out hopefully early next year, said sweet things to my wife…yea really nothing that new or special is going on these days. It’s the usual boring stuff any Gamification Gosu faces. I wished there was something that made my life awesome.

Gamification Video Outline (Because SEO is important!)

Oh yea, this video covers:

  • Scarcity & Impatience as the 6th Core Drive of Octalysis Gamification
  • Facebook uses this to make things exclusive and drives up demand
  • Games use this core drive to monetize: dangling works!
  • Torture Breaks will make people think about the experience all their time
  • Scarcity & Impatience is a lot of Black Hat Gamification. You want to balance them out with White Hat Game Techniques.
  • The demand curve for traditional economics theory often becomes a C-Curve
  • A super secret key point about Scarcity & Impatience that I’m not going to tell you about, just so you can understand Scarcity & Impatience 😉


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