
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Social Media Marketing Interview with CrowdBooster


CrowdBooster is one of the best Twitter Apps that analyze how your Twitter account is doing and how to make it even more effective. It’s the perfect balance between not having overwhelming statistics on every little ratio, and having enough depth that it actually becomes useful. A lot of tools out there are more like info-porn, where it’s fun to watch all the time, but you don’t really get anything out of it. CrowdBooster actually allows you to make info useful and do better with your campaigns.

The Interview

In this interview, I talk a lot about the myths and misconceptions about Social Media, how to do social media marketing correctly….and how I got so many followers.

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12 responses to “Social Media Marketing Interview with CrowdBooster”

  1. @qui Sure, a startup must engage with its users before launch. It’s a good thing to do. @yukai awesome interview bro, learnt some tips πŸ™‚ P:S been a long time heard from you Chou. Hope no probs?

  2. Hi, Yu Kai,

    Thanks for the advice. However, for a startup working on a product launch, there isn’t much activity such as pictures and videos to be posted. According to most marketing guru, a startup should start engaging with potential customers months before product launch, isn’t this a contradicting statement?

    How do you build fans during product development stage?

    • Again I don’t recommend startups spending any energy on getting Facebook Fans. You want to use Twitter to reach out to potential customers and get feedback off of them. Twitter is much better at reaching new ideas, new people, and new markets. Facebook is better at engaging existing fans, friends, and customers.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Qui!

    Facebook Fanpages are the most difficult to make effective as a startup. What you need to do is to host competitions, have giveaways, post pictures and videos, create a lot of activities yourself so your fans have a REASON to go onto it every week. Eventually, once they start doing this stuff on their own. You only need to moderate.

  4. Hey Yuri!
    Thanks for the patience (!) of watching the entire thing πŸ™‚

    I think a Twitter follower and Facebook Fan are both less significant compared to people who actually engage with you. But they’re a good start πŸ™‚

  5. Just found out your blog, really loves them! The advice are excellent. However, it didn’t touch the topic of how to gain facebook followers. Recently, our startup want to start a facebook page, but then the problem is how are you going to start gaining facebook fans when you have zero fan to start with. Normally no one will “like” the page until you hit a critical volume of fans. Do you have any advice on this?

  6. Excellent video! Just watched the 3 episodes and learned so much. I totally agree that twitter follower is more valuable than facebook fans. It is easier to engage with your targeted audience through twitter, but a “like” in facebook normally doesn’t do much except bringing in some extra traffic.

  7. Hi, Yu Kai,

    Did you missed out the video? or is there a transcript for us to read about the interview? The post seemed to be like a teaser instead of a full post.

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