
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Octalysis Certificate Achiever: Sameh Ibrahiem Emam

The New Level I Octalysis Certificate

In 2020, we have massively revamped our Octalysis Certificates. We have raised the bar in terms of what is required to obtain a Level 1 Octalysis Certificate.

The intention is that, if you have a Level I or II Octalysis Certificate, you are capable of applying the Octalysis Framework and principles to projects, much like what consultants at The Octalysis Group does.

For those who don’t know, here are the requirements for the Level I Octalysis Certificate.

Also, here is the list of amazing individuals who have obtained their Level 1 and Level 2 Octalysis Certificates

“Plastic Water Bottles & Water Bottling Industry” from Sameh Ibrahiem Emam.

We like to showcase the work of people who have obtained their certificates to showcase the standard of quality required to get the Level I Octalysis Certificate, as well as get a taste of things people will learn in my Octalysis Prime mentorship platform.

Sameh obtained his level 1 Octalysis Certificate with his submission “Plastic Water Bottles.” Sameh designed his own plastic water bottle with an accompanying app in an effort to reduce plastic waste. Check it out!

Congrats Sameh. Your future in gamification and behavioral design is bright!

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