
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

A Rating for Popular Twitter Apps III: Tweeter Statistics

(A bird’s profile: Watch and be bored at your own risk.)

This is the 3rd part of my research and analysis of Twitter Apps. Its somewhat brief, but since there are so many I do not want to type out an elaborated report for each of them. If you want to know more, you gotta ask me 🙂 (Note: this is strictly my own opinion based on my experience and analysis.)

The Apps covered in this post is to Analyze yourself and other tweeters. It will help you understand the behavior better. Hope this helps!

Twinfluence (Measure your Twitter influence through tweets, reach of followers as well as second-order followers): This tool is really good. It is a sophisticated way of measuring how influential you are on Twitter. 9/10

Twitter-Friends (analyzes a whole set of data, especially focusong on how “sticky” you are, as well as inactive friends or those who are online now): This App seems to have a lot of great features and interesting stats. It brings up a lot of interesting information and quotients about a user. It mostly focuses on how “social” a user is, instead of how many followers he has. Slightly overboard but quite awesome. 8/10

Twitter Ratio (Find out your friend to follower ratio): I don’t find this one that great. Its just simple math: followers/followings. Yea, maybe you won’t know the EXACT number in 2 seconds, but who needs to know? It adds a little humor to the site though. 3/10

Twitter Grader (find out your twitter grade. Computed based on how complete your profile is as well as the number and influence of your followers.): I don’t necessarily find the Grader that great. It does factor in some interesting things like how complete is your profile, tweeting behavior and follower influence, but overall it is somewhat dull because it doesn’t show you anything besides a number. Nice interface though. 6/10

Tweet Stats (Graph your tweet activity): This is probably the best tool to measure how you waste your time on Twitter. It not only tells you how often you tweet, it tells you when you usually tweet, on what device. 8/10

Tweeple Twak (Track your friend gains and declines plus a whole set of functions): OK, this site is still in private alpha, but we’ll see if they have the next great app. ?/10

Twit Graph (Graph your tweeting activity): This is OK. Has potential, but can’t compare to Tweet Stats. The information is not particularly useful either. 5/10 TwiTemperature(Measures how “hot” are you by comparing you to what others are tweeting about): I find this somewhat meaningless. If you are saying what everyone else is saying, you are hot. If you can come up with original things to say, you are freezing. The humor and image makes a good laugh though. 4/10

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