
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

A Busy Day

So today’s schedule:

8:30-10:30 Class
10:30-12:30 Coordinating email communication for the Professional Committee in Delta Sigma Pi(Business Fraternity)
1:00-3:00 Meeting for my consulting startup Veridical Group with client from Re/Max
3:30-5:30 Class
6:00-8:00 Professional and Resume Meeting with a Delta Sigma Pi member
8:00-10:00 Facilitator of the Think Tank
10:00-12:00 Econ HW due midnight
12:00-3:00 Structure, stratagize, and discuss Think Tank status and future with leader
3:00-4:30 Drive home and coordinate emails regarding the Think Tank, Veridical Group, and DSP
4:30-5:00 Write this blog

Life is leading me towards exciting places, and I cannot wait to be able to create more value for people in this world. I rather have a busy schedule/life with meaning than a chill schedule/life that does not stand for anything. At this point, only school is an annoying drag, and I need to spend more time on my large Startup: FD World.

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One response to “A Busy Day”

  1. iIf you are leading the life you want, hat’s off to you!

    When you want a break, come on over to the “salon” again and hang out on the deck.

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