
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Crazy Things People Search About Asians on Google

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So when I was a second year in college, I wrote a blog about why do Asian kids study like crazy. I claimed that its the culture and value systems that make the difference, not the actual race. Growing up in South Africa, Taiwan, Kansas and California, I would know something about cultural differences. Also, I am FULLY convinced that racial differences and stereotypes are a big part of our society, and the solution is not to taboo everyone that mentions such, but to speak about it in a civilized manner with the purpose of finding a solution in being open-minded, mutually tolerant and respected.

With that said (especially to get me out of trouble a little), this blogpost gathered tons of traffic from people searching on Google. You can see what people are searching for and trying to understand. A common theme you can see are: parents, study, math, school. This is partially funny, but partially horrible. Some of them are obviously asian kids trying to feel good about themselves, others are other ethnicities figuring out why their classmates have no life. It even goes as ridiculous as one person searching “is there anything wrong with a white kid liking an asian kid.” Duh! Of course its not wrong! (as long as you like the person for the right reason 😉 )

Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to show this phenomenon to people, one for a good laugh, and two to see how people are privately exploring the racial topics when its so publicly taboo. The metrics are by this order:

Keyword Uniques Pages/Visit

“how to study like an asian    66    1”
“why do asians study so much    34    1”
“study like asians    30    5”
“how do asians study    19    1”
“stereotypes of asians    13    1”
“asians kids    12    1”
“asians study hard    11    1”
“study like an asian    9    1”
“why do asians study so hard    8    1”
“university of caucasians lost among asians    6    1”
“asian kid stereotypes    5    2”
“asian kid studying    5    1”
“asian parents are too crazy about grades    5    1”
“asians studying    5    1”
“china looking for asian kids models    5    3”
“crazy asian parents    5    1”
“how do asian students study    5    4”
“how do asians study?    5    2”
“why are asians so successful    5    1”
“asian study hard    4    2”
“asians study    4    1”
“getting asians to like you    4    1”
“how much do asians study    4    4”
“how to study like asians    4    1”
“why do asians study more    4    1”
“all the asian people are good at math?    3    1”
“are asians really smarter    3    1”
“asian kids study    3    1”
“asians and studying    3    2”
“how long do asians study    3    1”
“how many hours do asians study    3    1”
“how to save money like asians    3    1”
“how to study like an asian student    3    1”
“view of asians in society    3    1”
“why do asians crazy aim    3    7”
“why do asians do so well in school?    3    1”
“why do asians do well in school    3    1”
“why do asians study    3    1”
“asian kid gpa    2    1”
“asian kids study all the time    2    1”
“asian parents ivy crazy    2    1”
“asian stereotype boring study work hard    2    1”
“asians “”””high stress””””    2    1″
“asians always study    2    1”
“asians always studying    2    1”
“asians and academic elitism    2    1”
“asians good at math    2    1”
“asians smart at math in university in canada    2    1”
“asians study a lot    2    1”
“asians study so hard    2    1”
“asians value higher education    2    4”
“asians, studying    2    1”
“crazy asians    2    1”
“crazy things asians do    2    1”
“do asian kids study a lot    2    1”
“do asians feel that education is important    2    2”
“do asians like mexicans    2    1”
“do asians study    2    2”
“do asians value education?    2    1”
“family guy asian kid do math    2    1”
“how do asian kids study    2    1”
“how do asian people study    2    2”
“how hard do asians study    2    2”
“how many hours do asian kids study    2    4”
“how to compete against asian kids    2    1”
“how to study like asian    2    1”
“study hard asian    2    1”
“studying like an asian    2    1”
“the way asians study    2    1”
“what do asian people believe about exam stress?    2    1”
“why are asians always studying    2    1”
“why are asians good at everything    2    1”
“why are asians good at math    2    1”
“why are asians smarter than americans    2    1”
“why are asians so competitive    2    2”
“why are asians so competitive?    2    2”
“why are asians so smart    2    1”
“why asians study hard    2    1”
“why can’t blacks just work harder like asians    2    1”
“why do asian children do well in school    2    1”
“why do asians do better in school    2    1”
“why do asians like math    2    1”
“why do asians like ucla so much?    2    5”
“why do asians stress education    2    1”
“why do asians try so hard in school    2    1”
“why do asians value education    2    1”
“asian guy”””” brain “”””white guy””””    1    1″
“asian kids do well””””    1    1″
“asian parents pushing kids academically””””    1    1″
“asians are climbing up the ladder””””    1    1″
“asians study    1    1”
“caucasians lost among asians””””    1    1″
“university of caucasians lost among asians””””    1    1″
“why do asian”””” + “”””model minority””””    1    1″
“+asian kids    1    1”
“a certain amount of asians allowed in colleges?    1    1”
“after school do asians really become successful    1    2”
“all asians are rich stereotype    1    2”
“all asians do is study    1    2”
“all the asian people good at math?    1    1”
“an essay on whether asian kids are under more pressure than other kids    1    1”
“are asian kids really smarter than everyone else    1    2”
“are asian people really smarter    1    1”
“are asians actually smarter    1    1”
“are asians good at math?    1    1”
“are asians really smarter?    1    1”
“asian academic comments kids 2009    1    2”
“asian children & education stress    1    1”
“asian culture and the value of education    1    1”
“asian culture crazy    1    2”
“asian culture excellence in education + suicide    1    2”
“asian culture getting rich    1    1”
“asian don’t like blacks    1    1”
“asian education system doesn’t work    1    1”
“asian family marry status ivy league good job    1    1”
“asian getting into college    1    2”
“asian guy danny lam    1    1”
“asian kid are sucessful    1    1”
“asian kid at college    1    1”
“asian kid excellence    1    1”
“asian kid gets a degree    1    1”
“asian kid homework    1    1”
“asian kid in american school    1    1”
“asian kid in college at 10 years old    1    1”
“asian kid stereotype    1    1”
“asian kid suicide    1    1”
“asian kid type not good at english    1    1”
“asian kids    1    1”
“asian kids aiming for ivy schools    1    1”
“asian kids and college    1    1”
“asian kids college    1    1”
“asian kids do    1    11”
“asian kids do not study all the time    1    1”
“asian kids do well education    1    2”
“asian kids going to ivy league    1    1”
“asian kids good at everything    1    1”
“asian kids good in math    1    1”
“asian kids in college    1    1”
“asian kids ivy league    1    1”
“asian kids lifestyles    1    1”
“asian kids like to compete with each other    1    2”
“asian kids live off parents    1    2”
“asian kids math    1    2”
“asian kids polite    1    1”
“asian kids smarter    1    2”
“asian kids smarter than american kids    1    1”
“asian kids study how    1    1”
“asian kids study no life    1    1”
“asian kids study too much    1    2”
“asian kids studying    1    1”
“asian kids under stress    1    2”
“asian kids us comments 2009    1    2”
“asian kids why is school so easy?    1    2”
“asian kids work hard    1    2”
“asian like to have more children    1    1”
“asian parenting crazy    1    1”
“asian parents are crazy    1    1”
“asian parents are crazy about grade    1    1”
“asian parents beating kids for bad grades    1    1”
“asian parents driving kids crazy    1    2”
“asian parents ivy    1    1”
“asian parents push kids to get elite degree    1    2”
“asian parents putting education pressure on their kids    1    1”
“asian parents study tuition    1    1”
“asian parents too strick in studying    1    2”
“asian parents-prestigious degrees    1    2”
“asian people like studying    1    1”
“asian people studying    1    1”
“asian school system crazy    1    1”
“asian stereoypes math good grades    1    1”
“asian students crazy study    1    1”
“asian students don’t give up in mathematics like americans    1    1”
“asian students get straight a    1    1”
“asian students studying lifestyle    1    1”
“asian study like crazy    1    1”
“asians “”””good at everything””””    1    1″
“asians “”””means to an end”””” college    1    1″
“asians are crazy about disney    1    4”
“asians are more studious    1    1”
“asians are not good at mathematic study hard    1    1”
“asians are study guys    1    1”
“asians desperately want    1    2”
“asians do anything to get into good college    1    2”
“asians do bad in university?    1    2”
“asians do well academically    1    1”
“asians education values    1    2”
“asians getting into ucla    1    1”
“asians good at studying    1    1”
“asians good grades    1    1”
“asians good in math    1    1”
“asians harder getting into college    1    1”
“asians kid    1    2”
“asians kids are very smart    1    1”
“asians like to show off their kids    1    2”
“asians only care about prestige college    1    1”
“asians people studying    1    1”
“asians prestige colleges    1    1”
“asians really smarter?    1    1”
“asians smarter than others    1    1”
“asians stereotype study doctor    1    1”
“asians stereotypes    1    1”
“asians study a lot of math    1    1”
“asians study all day    1    1”
“asians study engineering    1    1”
“asians study math everyday    1    2”
“asians study more than others    1    1”
“asians studying for doctor    1    2”
“asians studying together    1    1”
“asians try to hard    1    1”
“asians value education    1    1”
“asians value of education    1    2”
“asians who aren’t good at math    1    2”
“asians+kids+to study    1    1”
“be successful like an asian    1    2”
“caucasians lost amongst asians    1    1”
“climbing social ladder education asian americans    1    1”
“climbing the social ladder, asians    1    1”
“college asian kids    1    2”
“common asian parent stereotypes    1    2”
“cool asians kids    1    4”
“crazy about asian thing blog    1    1”
“crazy asian kid    1    1”
“crazy asian parent    1    2”
“crazy asian people at uni    1    1”
“degrees asians like    1    1”
“do all asian children go to school    1    1”
“do all asians study all the time    1    2”
“do american kids give up to fast than asian kids?    1    1”
“do asian blog?    1    1”
“do asian children appreciate education better than western children?    1    1”
“do asian children practice more then american    1    2”
“do asian go to school free    1    1”
“do asian kids go to school?    1    2”
“do asian people study    1    1”
“do asian students really    1    2”
“do asian value education more than western countries    1    2”
“do asians and indians study do better in school    1    2”
“do asians blink    1    1”
“do asians do well in university    1    2”
“do asians get less jobs than whites    1    1”
“do asians get minority status for college admissions    1    1”
“do asians have a hard time seeing    1    2”
“do asians have best academic people    1    1”
“do asians have to study    1    1”
“do asians kids work a lot?    1    2”
“do asians know everything?    1    2”
“do asians lie?    1    2”
“do asians like academics: studying & grades    1    1”
“do asians like groups?    1    1”
“do asians only study    1    2”
“do asians push their children to be smarter?    1    1”
“do asians really have a harder chance for college    1    2”
“do asians receive a better education    1    1”
“do asians sleep    1    1”
“do asians sleep?    1    1”
“do asians study more    1    2”
“do asians think bad west    1    2”
“do asians think they’re better than everyone else because they strudy hard    1    2”
“do asians value education more    1    1”
“do asians work hard?    1    4”
“do colleges like asians?    1    1”
“does asians really over do with kids    1    2”
“educating asian kids    1    2”
“education stereotyping asians are smarter    1    1”
“extraordinary “”””asian guy””””    1    1″
“family guy asian math    1    1”
“family guy uses asian kid to do math    1    2”
“fits in a white school for asian kids    1    2”
“for asian kids to get into ivy    1    1”
“for how long do asians study?    1    1”
“freshman year of high school for +asians    1    2”
“funny asian parent stereotype    1    2”
“funny asian parent stereotypes    1    2”
“funny pictures asian child    1    2”
“google search results funny “”””are asians””””    1    2″
“group asian crazy actions    1    1”
“hard for asian, ivy league    1    3”
“harder for asians ivy league    1    2”
“harder for asians to get into college    1    2”
“harder for asians to get into college?    1    1”
“how “”””asians study””””    1    4″
“how asian indian kids do their studies    1    2”
“how asian kids study    1    1”
“how come asian kids are smart    1    1”
“how come asian people have a culture of getting straight a’s in school?    1    2”
“how do asian children go to school    1    1”
“how do asian children study    1    1”
“how do asian children study homework    1    1”
“how do asian first graders learn math    1    2”
“how do asian kids get good grades all the time    1    2”
“how do asian kids study?    1    2”
“how do asian student study    1    5”
“how do asian study    1    1”
“how do asians do math so well    1    1”
“how do asians do their homework    1    1”
“how do asians get rich    1    1”
“how do asians get their kids to practise so much?    1    2”
“how do asians get their kids to study    1    1”
“how do asians punish their children    1    2”
“how do asians start up business    1    1”
“how do asians study all day    1    2”
“how do asians study all the time    1    1”
“how do asians study for much?    1    2”
“how do asians study for the sat    1    2”
“how do asians study in school    1    2”
“how do asians study learn    1    1”
“how do asians study math    1    1”
“how do asians study really hard?    1    2”
“how do asians study so much    1    2”
“how do asians view education    1    1”
“how do asians work so hard    1    2”
“how do they asian people study    1    1”
“how hard do asian kids study    1    1”
“how hard to asians study    1    1”
“how long do asian children go to school each day    1    1”
“how long do asian kids read    1    1”
“how long do asians go to school    1    4”
“how long do asians study?    1    2”
“how many asians go to ucla    1    1”
“how many hour do asian students study?    1    1”
“how many hours a day do asians study    1    3”
“how many hours a day do asians study?    1    1”
“how many hours do asians spend on studying?    1    1”
“how many hours do asians work?    1    1”
“how many oriental asians get straight a’s in school and college all through their lives all over the world?    1    6”
“how many times a day do asians study    1    1”
“how manys do asians study    1    1”
“how much do asians value education    1    2”
“how often do asians study    1    1”
“how the asians study all the time    1    1”
“how to be a cool asian kid    1    1”
“how to be study like an asian student    1    2”
“how to get into harvard asian kid    1    1”
“how to start a study group like the asians    1    2”
“how to study hard like asians    1    2”
“how to study like an asian for a test?    1    2”
“how to study like an asian person    1    1”
“how to study like an asian?    1    2”
“how to study like asian kids    1    1”
“how to study like asian students    1    2”
“how to study like the asians    1    1”
“how to study tests like an asian    1    1”
“how to study-like an asian    1    1”
“how’s the stereotype of asian    1    2”
“intriguing things about asians    1    1”
“is it easier for an asian kid to get into a college    1    1”
“is it harder for asian to get into ivy league    1    1”
“is it harder for asians to get into college?    1    1”
“is it harder to get into college if you are asian    1    1”
“is it harder to get into colleges if you are asian?    1    1”
“is there anything wrong with a white kid liking an asian kid    1    1”
“it isn’t fair that asians have to work harder to get into college    1    1”
“ivy league asians study habits    1    2”
“jews and asians ivy league    1    2”
“kai asian guy    1    2”
“like the asian kids who doesn’t leave the library    1    2”
“list of stereotypes for asian parents    1    1”
“list of stereotypes of asians    1    1”
“making friends with the asian kids in college    1    1”
“my family asian blog    1    2”
“number one reason asian kids commit suicide    1    2”
“only asian in white dominated workforce    1    1”
“picture of asian kid studying    1    1”
“pressures of school asian studying    1    4”
“pressures on asians in academics    1    1”
“proud asian kid    1    1”
“reasons asian americans do not finish college stigma    1    1”
“rich asian kid blog    1    1”
“rich asians kids    1    2”
“richasiankid    1    2”
“rude asian people in high school    1    1”
“sat ivy asian kids    1    1”
“should asians pay for kids college    1    6”
“statistics stereotype of smart asian    1    2”
“stereotype that asians are smarter then americans    1    1”
“stereotypes about asians in the usa    1    2”
“stereotypes asians are good at math    1    1”
“stereotypes of asians academic    1    2”
“stereotypes of asians at math    1    2”
“stereotypes of asians in business    1    2”
“stereotypes of asians learning    1    2”
“stereotypes of asians smart and hard working    1    1”
“study asians are smarter than others    1    1”
“study hard asians    1    2”
“study hard like the asians    1    1”
“study like a asian    1    2”
“study like an asian kid    1    2”
“study like and asian student    1    1”
“study like asian    1    1”
“study like asian student    1    1”
“study like the asians    1    1”
“study what an asians will do    1    2”
“studying like asians    1    1”
“super smart asian kid    1    2”
“super smart asians    1    2”
“support for asian kids    1    2”
“the lifesytle of rich asian kids    1    2”
“things asians like    1    2”
“those rich asian kids    1    4”
“typical stereotypes of asians    1    2”
“ucla asian out of state how hard to get in    1    1”
“ucla university of caucasian lost among asians    1    1”
“ucla university of caucasians lost among asians    1    1”
“university of caucasian lost asian    1    1”
“university of caucasians lost in asia    1    1”
“university of waterloo too many asian    1    1”
“view of education among asians    1    1”
“warcraft life of a peasant asian    1    1”
“way asian students studying    1    2”
“westen kids more independent than asian kids    1    1”
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