
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Focus – Flashlight vs Lasergun

Focus – Flashlight vs Laserbeam

You will never win a battle if all you have is a flashlight and your enemies have laser guns. Focus.

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8 responses to “Focus – Flashlight vs Lasergun”

  1. It’s wonderful that you have documented your own journey through te years so incredibly well. With the benefit of hindsight, this entire website is a wonderful document indeed.

  2. Hey Yu-kai, I just finished the whole thing. Actually it was interesting that you were mentioning about the seed. I found that analogy made so much sense to me when it comes to starting businesses. And sticking out with the idea. I remember reading in a book that a multimillionaire only became successful because he decided no matter what, he was going to focus on one project until it worked. Looking forward to your next piece of business advice.

    • Sun Tzu is a wise man indeed, thinking up such things 5500 years ago! I borrowed his idea on my blog 😛

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