
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

The Age of Transparency: Never Mess with a Blogger

The Age of Transparency: Never Mess with a Blogger

Because of social media, the whole world knows whenever you are flaky, shady, or screwed someone over. Uphold your integrity at all times, and never screw with a blogger.

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6 responses to “The Age of Transparency: Never Mess with a Blogger”

  1. Hey Yu-Kai another great blog. I think whether we’re in the social media business or not, we should keep our word at things. I know it’s easier said than done for most people, but it’s important to keep that integrity and making sure that we keep our composure.

    I think the advice you gave to me about contacting people back a second time is really important. I think we do things that are not intentionally to ignore people, but we should definitely own up to them.

    Great Post!

    Looking forward to your talk on Social Media with the Meetup group.

    • Thanks Vincent,

      Definitely. Keeping one’s integrity should always be there. However, this post is to remind people of the dire consequences that could happen if they don’t watch. Sometimes people have to make tough decisions, but if they know this is in place, they pretty much have no choice.

      Hahaha, follow up is definitely something very important to make things go through smoothly. One of the luckiest things that happened to me is that one of my best entrepreneurial friends followed up with me 3 times after an event before I prioritized responding. Now his startup is super successful and I’m learning a lot from him! 😀


  2. Thanks Keenahn for the response. Well, enough people have to recognize that there is transparency to avoid doing shady things unfortunately…

  3. Fascinating. I definitely have optimism that more people will “do the right thing” in the age of social media.

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