
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

yukai chou gamification

Game Loops in World of Warcraft, 2 of 2

Missed Part 1 of the series? Watch Part 1 now.

Not sure what a Game Loop is? Try How to Make Game Loops, Part 1/4.

In Part 2 of this series, Yu-kai continues to explore World of Warcraft’s remarkable Game Loop.

When Battle of Azeroth came out, Yu-kai gave World of Warcraft a shot. After about 900 hours, he’s dissected what makes WoW work. Now, he understands why it works on the human brain.

One of Yu-kai’s key attributes in the 10k HP framework is his Learn-Use conversation rate. In only a few months of playing WoW, Yu-kai was able to apply what he learned from analyzing WoW’s Game Loop to help a client build a reputation system for a client of The Octalysis Group.

Then he wanted to learn even more. Now he is sharing it here with all of us!

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