
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Why Our Members Joined Octalysis Prime

There are reasons we start things and reasons we stay engaged.

We wanted to learn more about our members in OP, so we asked:

  1. Why did you start?
  2. Why are you still here?

Here’s what we learned.

This was taken from a sample of our Octalysis Prime paying members, including some annual members.

About half of members changed their response, although you cannot see what they changed their response from and to.

Surveys are notoriously difficult to dissect, and so we do not rely on them exclusively to get to know our members.

Perhaps best are the in-person discussions we have with members. In these face-to-face interactions, people tend to share more personal stories about what brought them to Octalysis Prime, and what they are hoping to do next in their business and life.

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