
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

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How to Create an Overpowered Resume (Part 2/3)

Here’s part 2 of 3. To get part 3, join Octalysis Prime.

To review, here’s the last post, How to Create an Overpowered Resume, Part 1/3.

Share your Results (and How you did it)

How can you make your accomplishments resonate emotionally?

One way is to provide specificity.

I quickly resolved several hundred complaints in a high-stress environment using analytical skills and software with a 99% rating by customers I helped.

Here, your audience, the resume reviewer, can clearly see the results, and how you did it.

(This is stronger than simply sharing what your job is, and the results.)

The example above demonstrates difficulty, impact, scope, and suggests a certain skillset put to use to solve a problem.

Demonstrate your Behaviors

Sometimes a bullet point will take a highlight from an experience and illustrate how it is unique.

Most people I talk to have quite plain resumes. They aren’t so interesting to read. How can we fix this?

Can you focus on impact?

This is a good thought, but be careful.

Highlighting too lofty of impact can feel a little awkward if it isn’t supported by your other bullet points. However, it is a useful way to generate stories.

Okay, that wraps up what I think about specific bullet points.

How to Structure Your Resume

If you’re recently graduated, you may start with your education. After you’ve held a few jobs, you may move it down.

Adjust your structure based on relevance.

The first thing you put in your work experience should be the most impressive thing you’ve ever done.

If the recruiter or resume reviewer only reads the first bullet point, they should be immediately interested in speaking with you.

In situations where the reviewer is scanning dozens or even hundreds of resumes, this single bullet point will help you stand out and keep your potential employer intrigued enough to call you in for an in-person interview.

Good luck!

To get part 3 of this series, join Octalysis Prime.

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