
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Octalysis Certificate Achiever: Sergio Ligato

Sergio Ligato attained his Level 1 Octalysis Certificate with a submission about Distant Learning during the COVID-19 Emergency.

We like to showcase the work of people who have attained their Octalysis Certificate to show the standard of quality required to get the Octalysis Certificate, as well as give a taste of things people will learn on the Octalysis Prime mentorship platform.

Sergio chose this topic to have his Octalysis Certificate as a happy memory in this critical and hard time for humanity.

The two key indicators used to define the Player Types give an excellent foundation for the rest of the submission. It is easy to feel the passion that went into finding the answer to Sergio’s question: “How can we engage all of our students and encourage them to study in such a difficult situation?

Congratulations Sergio! Thank you for contributing to such a vital subject in difficult times.

This is what Octalysis Prime is all about: actionable Gamification knowledge.

Do you want to find out what Gamification is all about, or bring your skills to the next level? Head over to Octalysis Prime and sign up to try the FREE version of Octalysis Prime (no strings attached) to join our community of passionate and driven members like Youssef.

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