
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Beginner’s Guide to Gamification: What Is Gamification (2 of 90)

*New to Gamification? Check out my post What is Gamification & the Gamification Framework: Octalysis*

Click here to see all videos in this Series

Episode 2: What is Gamification

Here’s a quick outline of this episode:

  • Intro
  • Gamification is not new
  • Gamification is really “Human-Focused Design”
  • It remembers the “feelings” of the humans in the process
  • Some examples of Gamification
  • Since Games are the first industry to get Human-Focused Design right, we now call it Gamification
  • Gamification is not part of the gaming industry
  • A big problem in the industry is that people believe that gamification is just adding points, leader board, and badges.
  • Points, badges, and leaderboard are a result of Gamification, but they do not define it.
  • All games have game elements in them, but only a handful are fun and addicting
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