
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

How to use Twitter Clients for more effective and consistent Tweeting

There are a TON of Twitter clients.  It gets to a point that I get decision paralysis because there are too many options to choose from.  If I feel this way, then I’m sure you feel this way too.

Twitter clients range from HootSuite to TweetDeck, providing you with powerful analytic tools, scheduling features, and multiple account management.

The tools and analytics that these robust Twitter clients provide are great only if you’re a big agency or corporation managing 5 Twitter accounts or more.  The truth is that the majority of Twitter clients provide you with more features and information than you’ll ever need.

The simplest and most effective Twitter client is Buffer – I use Buffer on a daily basis to easily schedule my Tweets, track my reach, and stay productive throughout the day.

Who should read this post: local business owners looking for an effective strategy to stay consistent with Tweets

What you will learn: how I use Buffer in my Twitter strategy to stay consistent and relevant

Why do I need a Twitter Client?

Top reasons why you need a Twitter client:

1. Twitter can get time consuming: a Twitter client can help you stay productive and effective without making you commit more time than needed on Twitter

2. To space out (schedule) Tweets: it’s more effective to space out Tweets throughout the day (1 Tweet every 4 hours) rather than clump Tweets all at once (5 Tweets within 30 minutes)

3. Track data of Tweets and reach: easily view your Tweets and track clicks to determine your most effective Tweets

Why use Buffer and how it works

One word: simplicity

I’ve used the other clients such as HootSuite and TweetDeck and I found them to be way too time consuming and too feature-rich.

How Buffer works


The dashboard allows me to quickly view which Tweets are scheduled to go out and when.  As you can see from my dashboard, I have a scheduled Tweet going out today at 7pm.

I don’t schedule Tweets via the dashboard – there are much more effective ways to do it.


The analytics page lets me easily see the data that is important to me:

  1. Clicks that my links receive
  2. Potential reach
  4. Mentions


Buffer is great because it lets you customize the scheduling for Tweets.  I kept mine at the default setting as I like my scheduled Tweets (which are usually business and productivity related) to go out earlier in the day.

How I schedule Tweets

1. Buffer for Chrome

Buffer for Chrome is a simple extension that allows you to easily schedule any webpage as a Tweet.  Above you’ll see where the icon is placed in the browser and how Buffer allows you to customize your Tweet before you schedule it.

2. Buffer on Twitter

Because Buffer is integrated with Twitter, I can directly use it through my Twitter dashboard.

Twitter strategies to stay consistent and effective

Here are the principles that I use to stay effective and consistent on Twitter:

1. Only follow people that are important and valuable to you: check out my twitter page and you’ll see that I follow only a select group of 197 individuals.  These 197 individuals constantly share valuable content and articles, saving me time because I don’t have to manually find valuable content to share.

Don’t mass follow – it’s worthless and dumb.  Follow people that are important to you and you’ll be able to share better content with your audience.

2. Follow bloggers that always write quality content: I follow Cody, Carlos, Carmen, Baker, and Neil on a consistent basis because they always write great content that is relevant to my audience.  It makes it easy to share Tweets about good articles my community will benefit from.

3. Relax: don’t worry if there’s nothing to Tweet about.  Take a deep breath and relax – it’s not the end of the world.


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