
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Engagement Platform Captain Up Releases New Funny Video

Captain Up is not afraid to use quirky humor and make some fun out of itself

If you haven’t noticed, I have a widget on the right side of my site that adds some fun game elements to the experience. It’s powered by Captain Up. Initially, I put it up as an experiment for PBL tools, but my readers loved it so much that they no longer wanted me to experiment me on other platforms, haha….

As you can see, you get dozens of points for various actions, but there are other Core Drives like Mystery, Meaningful Choices, Social in it, and the top users have over 400,000 points!!

Captain Up has this really quirky culture. It’s energetic, fun, and not afraid to make fun of itself. This is in big contrast to most platforms out there that must pretend to be overly professional and dull/boring. I respect that of them.

They released a new video that really emphasizes on their strong suite, which is how plug-and-play they are in improving engagement for games and websites. It literally took me about 5-10 minutes to setup my system, and another 30-60 min to customize the way I want – since I am a control freak for my experiences.

Anyhow, enjoy the laugh!

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