
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Top 3 Social Media Tools to Market Your Restaurant (Part 1/2)

I’ve seen it happen before. It’s the mistake that many restaurant and cafe owners make. The failure to acknowledge the importance of marketing.

Marketing is what determines the survival of a good restaurant. Even when you have a three star Michelin Chef, raving reviews for your food from around the world, and some of the best service in the city, your restaurant can still close. This was the case for the now defunct, but famous restaurants, Lumiere’s and db Bistro Moderne in Vancouver, Canada which was run by world famous chef Daniel Boulud.

What was interesting was that once people knew it was closing down, people I knew were talking about it on Twitter, Facebook, and spreading the word about it virally, including local TV personalities. Strangely, they received a lot of publicity and marketing, but at too late of a stage and for the wrong reasons.

So how do you prevent yourself from getting in the same situation? What can you do to market your restaurant so that customers think of you when they want a place to eat? Here are three social media tools to help market your restaurant so that customers always think about you.

Social Media Tool Number 3: Facebook Fan Page

I’m not going to go into the details of how to create a fan page. But I will tell you the one key ingredient to Facebook marketing. Interaction with your online customers.

It’s actually possible that a customer will “Like” your restaurant and never see messages you post again on their Facebook news feed, and that’s because of EdgeRank.  Edgerank is a formula that Facebook uses to calculate how important you are to be on a Facebook user’s newsfeed when the user logs in. If EdgeRank thinks that your restaurant isn’t important to their user, then it’s not going to show up high on their news feed.

So how do you get your EdgeRank higher so that  users see your restaurant when they login?

a) Interact with your customers online, and interact often.

If you’re always advertising what your specials are, and are telling customers how great your restaurant is, that’s not very interactive. And Facebook wants interaction, it’s in their mission statement. When customers leave comments, good or bad, respond to them professionally and quickly.

If you were to ignore them, it’s the same as a waiter ignoring a customer. (By the way for EdgeRank, if you can get customers to respond to your comments instead of just pushing “Like” it will push you up your customers’ news feed.)

b) Give them a reason to interact with you and want to leave a comment.

I ran a contest for a Starbucks in which there were about 100 customers in the “Like” Group at the time. I asked our customers on Facebook to guess a number between 1-100 for a chance to win a $20 Gift Card. About 16% of the people responded back. I gave them a reason to actually comment and this made me more visible on the customers’ newsfeed.

c) Get them to post photos.

People love looking at photos, and the more photos they see of people having a good time, eating great food, then they’ll remember to come to your restaurant more often. So give them a reason to post photos, usually restaurants do it through contests as well. Check out Milestone’s Restaurant to see their Facebook campaign, and how they created such a wonderful interaction with customers.

In part 2 of this series, we look at how to use Twitter and mobile marketing to promote your restaurant.

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3 responses to “Top 3 Social Media Tools to Market Your Restaurant (Part 1/2)”

  1. Marketing is indeed an important thing. You can provide great service and good food to your customers. You can use paging systems or smartphones apps to make everything more efficient. But in the end, you still need to advertise. Word of mouth is really not enough. Thankfully, you can use social media to spread the word about your restaurant. Use it well! Thanks for this article.

  2. Nice article written here. People sometimes really are unaware of the impact that social media can have on business, Restaurants too can have some interesting social media strategies to be visible in the eye of the TG. Platforms like FB and Twitter are really making it easier to reach out to your customers. With constant activities online, restaurants can have better business prospects. nEdward

    • Thanks Edward. I think the great thing about these platforms is that that get to talk to the TG and to be able to reach existing customers and new prospects. I think people don’t want to have one way communication anymore, they want to know that restaurants and cafes care about them. nI’m just surprised that many restaurants don’t see online communication as a way of customer care.

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