
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Using Epic Meaning to Fuel Consistent Progress on Goals

Is epic meaning necessary to progress on goals? How can you use it to drive consistent progress and results.

Using Epic Meaning to Guide Your 2018 Goals

Once you’ve made a list of goals, you need to go out and achieve them.

Day after day.

Usually, Core Drive 2: Development & Accomplishment is the motivating Core Drive to keep you going day after day.


Because CD2 relies on external motivation that you control. You’re trying to get better at running. You can train each day and tick off on your calendar the days you complete a training run.

But Core Drive 1: Epic Meaning & Calling can help you drive long-term day-to-day motivation, too.

Is Epic Meaning Necessary to Progress on Goals

Generally, no.

But it can be insanely helpful.

Consider your long-term goals. They are likely tied to some epic meaning and calling or life purpose.

You’re trying to avoid regret at your death bed. You want to accomplish something that is bigger than yourself.

The more you seek to discover areas of epic meaning and calling that matter to YOU, the better you’ll be able to use CD1 as long-term motivation.

How can you use Core Drive 1 to drive consistent progress and results?

The key is actually in using an Anti Core Drive to fuel your day to day actions.

When you feel like missing a daily process or task (remember, you need to grind things out day after day to get results), use the Anti Core Drive.

Think and imagine yourself into the future.

How would you feel if you didn’t achieve your full potential with respect to your Core Drive 1 motivation if you could say: “I didn’t give it my all in pursuit of my epic meaning and calling–I needlessly skipped a day because I was lazy.”

This Anti Core Drive 1 will draw you back to day to day achievement.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!

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