
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Marco Segatto Analyzes Fitbit, Nike+, and Zombies, Run! using the Octalysis Tool

Using the Octalysis Tool— is a fantastic way to practice using Octalysis and putting your design mind to the test with gamification examples found in the wild! Thank you to Marco Segatto for applying his gamification knowledge to Fitbit, Nike+, and Zombies Run! as part of his larger research. Try using the tool yourself, here!





Zombies, Run!

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9 responses to “Marco Segatto Analyzes Fitbit, Nike+, and Zombies, Run! using the Octalysis Tool”

  1. Thank you so much for the article. I will share with you in the next future a light version of the analysis. Currently I’ve only got the Italian version of my work, I will translate it in English. I’m studying gamification in the fitness tracker industry for marketing master degree.

    • Hi Marco. Thank YOU for the work you’re doing. It’s exciting to see the Octalysis tool put to use. And I loved the work you did on this so far. Will be curious to have a read when you translate to English in the future 🙂

      • I will send you a copy of the work ?
        Probably I will try to get the Level 1 Octalysis Certification in the next future ?

      • I’m excited for your continued journey. You’ve already shown you have a strong grasp of the beginning and intermediate concepts.

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