
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Invited to become a Keynote Speaker at USC for the ITASA West Coast Conference 2009

The ITASA West Coast Conference is a yearly event that gathers hundreds of students from all the Taiwanese organizations in the Pac-10 schools and creates a discussion about the Taiwanese heritage, struggles and successes in society, among lots of other things. When I was a second year in college, I remember my friend Eric Dong hosting it at UCLA. I was quite surprised when I got the invitation to speak at one though. There’s another reason for blogging 🙂

I believe last year it was hosted at Stanford, and this year it is hosted at USC (I hope they don’t throw rocks at me…). I’ve been thinking about a little what I would talk about and here’s I came up with:

I will talk about my experiences growing up in a variety of continents and becoming a social entrepreneur. Being from a diplomat family, I grew up in Taiwan, South Africa, Kansas and California, adapting to constantly changing environments. The talk will include how that background led me to start my first business first year of college, and how other students can become entrepreneurs too.

Also, I will introduce the FD Lifestyle: how to convert life into a game that you love and must master. I will then discuss how to strive in a glass ceiling society by empowering through social media and personal branding. Finally, I will share some ideas regarding some important trends in the future such as sustainability/green, social media, and virtual worlds.

If you are Taiwanese and in the Socal area, be sure to sign up for the event too 🙂

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