
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Top 3 Social Media Tools to Market Your Restaurant (Part 2/2)

Welcome back! In the first part of this series we looked at how Facebook was used to market a restaurant, int this article we’ll look at how Twitter and Mobile Marketing can be used to promote your restaurant to customers so that they always think about you.

Social Media Tool Number 2: Twitter

I’m going to say it again. It’s all about the two way interaction.
Twitter was designed so that people could interact with others but they had to do it under 140 characters. The first pitfall is that most restaurants don’t have a Twitter ID. Please go to Twitter and get one. By not having one, you’re missing out on some free promotions. I’ve been on Twitter where people asked around “Does anyone know if (name of a restaurant) has a Twitter handle?”

The second pitfall that many restaurants have is that they just send out a bunch of tweets of what’s happening in their restaurant, or what kind of deals they have, or “please retweet this message to get a discount. ” This doesn’t leave a lot of room for interaction. Customers want to feel valued, not ignored.

When you have a Twitter account, follow local people and start tweeting with them. Interact with them and respond to their comments. When someone tweets you back, start to have an online conversation with them. Retweet messages of others that may be relevant to your local community. Trust me, those that love you will tweet about you often. Check out @sweetmandarin to see how they’ve successfully interacted with customers.

Social Media Tool Number 3: RewardMe

RewardMe, is a great mobile platform to market restaurants. Mobile marketing is the next wave of marketing because of the more than 65 million people that are using smartphones in North America.

RewardMe is a mobile loyalty program designed to reward their best customers. It’s designed so that when a customer eats at a specific restaurant they collect points for that restaurant for free food or discounts. The program allows restaurants to customize what they would like to give to their most frequent and loyal customers, and unlike most mobile check in services, their check ins verify that a person is actually at a restaurant.

But their most powerful feature that makes this a social media tool and a great marketing tool is the app’s ability to drive new customers into a restaurant through their referral feature. It has a built in referral button that encourages your best customers to spread the word about how great your restaurant is to another 10 friends. And for each successful referral that’s made the person gets more points for a restaurant.

The user also knows when a friend has accepted the referral. It’s mobile to mobile recommendation by actual customers which over a time allows your restaurant to go viral over smart

Those are three social media tools that can help you grow your restaurant business and help it succeed. At the end of the day, people have to know about your restaurant, the question is how are you going to effectively reach them?

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