
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

New Video Series: The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (1 of 90)

*New to Gamification? Check out my post What is Gamification & the Gamification Framework: Octalysis*

Click here to see all videos in this Series

New Video Show: The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (1 of 90)

Some friends have recommended me to make a video show on Gamification and so I decided to start a Video Guide that shares everything I know about Gamification.

This is a video series where I talk about all the aspects game mechanics and fun stuff of Gamification.It will involve 90 episodes, each lasting between 5-10 minutes.

Above is the first video, which includes:

  • Intro
  • Objectives of the Guide
  • Yu-kai’s Qualification
  • Brief intro on what is Gamification
  • Example of how Games make kids hardcore grunt workers
  • How Gamification is a booming field
  • Rules to his Keyword Collection Game and a Weight Loss plan

As you can see in the video, I made a variety of experiments to make the guide a bit more playful (and random).

Look forward to Feedback!

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44 responses to “New Video Series: The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (1 of 90)”

  1. Haha I really enjoy the video!! Thank you Yu-kai! I am super excited to start this journey with you as the capitan!. Greetings from Costa Rica 😀

  2. AAA. At last=) Thanks Yu-kai! This video is a great start for new people to Gamification!
    I actually watched the first episode 3 times already with different people. Your efforts in this area are really great! Please, PLEASE finish all 90 episodes as promised=) May the will to do so be with you!

  3. Wow! Super excited to start my gamification journey with you Yu-kai. Looking for ways to use it in education and student-directed goals.

  4. I am only at the beginning here and maybe because i am a gamer myself I am very excited about your vision, i can see some much potential in what have been done and what can still be done.
    I have a lot of questions for you, but first… i have 89 more videos to go.

  5. also I love the game below to prove you are a human! much easier and more exciting than typing a distorted phrase that is often difficult to read

  6. The beginning of this course was really excellente 🙂
    I’m brazilian and I work at a NGO that support low income entrepreneurs in our country (
    One of our projects is focus on Young people and we are designed some things based on Gamification to improve our impact and to develop more young entrepreneurs in all Brazil!
    Thank you very much!

  7. I am tasked with increasing employee engagement at my company, with a specific emphasis on training and development.  I’m getting lots of great ideas from your site, and I am also experimenting with CaptainUp! to see how it might work as a demo or POC to show to my C-level leadership.

  8. Thank you for this great introduction to Gamification, I’m more concerned about its use in education, but fortunately, as a whole, gamification can be used in any scenario.

  9. By far a lot more interesting and entertaining than Udemy. Well done!

    I’d be interested in knowing how you wrote the Gamification architecture of the course. Next to writing the script and screenplay (which must have been huge undertakings!), I am a amazed in how many Gamification concepts you have managed to incorporate in the videos (and I have only seen two today).

    Can you lift the veil a little and let me have a peek? 😉

    1st word in, 49 to go
    2nd video in, 88 to go


  10. RichWallace Thanks a lot! I’ll try to keep up the creative work! (Even though paid work has been overwhelming me these days…)
    Hope all is well!

  11. Hi Yu-Kai, starting the videos. 
    I like the point on the dedication and thought process of games players in terms of leveling up and wider goal.  There is a great example I heard years ago regarding a janitors contribution to NASAs goals see  
    The point being, I am really fascinated on being connected to a greater purpose (Epic Meaning and Calling) as its to easy in large companies to lose sight of our purpose and our contribution to it. A lot of research GALLUP etc is showing that employee engagement is very low and I really am focused on how gamification and motivational design can change this!
    Liked the fun side to this video so hopefully that continues 😉 

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