Increase your chances of getting the job you want through the Octalysis Framework and an understanding of the 8 Core Drives.
When you enter the building, the interview has begun. Everything from your interaction with the receptionist through to all personal interactions.
Confidence = EVERYTHING – 1
Someone is meeting you for the first time. You need to communicate how they should feel about you.
If you demonstrate a lack of confidence through what you say, how you say it, or your body language, you
No matter what your objective level is, with confidence overlaying it, you will come across as better.
Try going to the restroom and using some power poses. Spread out and let yourself breathe in the power.
Interacting with the Interviewer: Use the Mirror Technique
Mirroring lets you demonstrate value to your conversation partner. This shows that you are paying attention to their emotional approach and also have the ability to match it.
If the interviewer is strong or tough, you should stand up for yourself.
On the other side of this spectrum, a softer interviewer may not respond well toughness.
You have an opportunity to create Core Drive 5: Social Influence & Relatedness here.
Create Unique Value & Likeability
Most people would argue that creating unique value trumps likeability. But this may not be true.
It may be more important to be likable.
If you manage to create positive feelings with others in every interaction, that is a huge bonus. No one generally wants to work with people they can’t see themselves hanging out with.
Demonstrating your unique value is key.
Likeability could be the most important, but demonstrating unique value is critical too.
You aren’t just like everyone else. How are you different? How are you providing unique value? What is your signature?
Tell Me About Yourself
Don’t expect your interviewer to have done his homework.
Share a brief aspect of your history and why you’re there (to apply for a position at their company), and keep it short!
This allows the conversation to unfold after your elevator pitch.