
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

How playing online bingo can improve your brain power


The Magical Game of Bingo

Do you know that the game of bingo actually goes back several centuries! What more, it’s a form of entertainment that has helped a great multitude of people, from all walks of life, to get through difficult circumstances at various times in the world history. During the times of economic depression, people used to stay entertained by playing bingo at non-operational movie theatres.

Furthermore, it’s a proven and well-documented fact that playing bingo the conventional way or on the internet can help boost brain’s reflexes and activity- whether you are right brained or left brained. In fact, you can go to some no deposit bonus casinos and start playing bingo right away without any money (or real money) on the internet! 

Talking more about the mental benefits of bingo, in the UK, tests have revealed that people who regularly play bingo score significantly higher on the mental ability tests.

You’ll often see these people exhibiting better mental speeds, better memory and better ability of picking information from their surroundings.

Bingo trains your brains!

Research has repeatedly revealed that playing bingo positively impacts the way in which brain processes information. The thinking capacity of humans declines gradually as they age, however studies have found that playing bingo can possibly counter this effect. The stimulation of brain cells caused by the game enables you to easily process and recall the stored information.

Furthermore, if you play the harder versions of the game, for instance 75 ball bingo that features more difficult patterns, it can further improve your mental abilities. Therefore, you might want to switch to the difficult bingo versions that you had been avoiding for so long!

Improves reaction times

Another significant area where bingo can help you get better at is your brain’s reflexes. When you play this game you are required to remember the patterns and numbers within certain time limits. This can improve both the concentration as well as reaction time of your brain. Another similar game that has the same kind of impact is Sudoku.

Prevents cognitive disorders

Another bingo related benefit you should know about is that the mental stimulation caused by this game can help greatly in prevention of cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia, at later stages of your life. Playing it regularly or even in short-bursts every now and then can both have a long-term therapeutic effect on your mind.

But please don’t become a bingo addict!

However, please note, these facts aren’t provided to make you start playing bingo at every living moment of your existence! Instead, you can consider playing this game for fun at least couple of times a week! Perhaps you could undergo a memory test before starting playing and then do another test after playing it regularly for a few months!

After all, the best way to know the effectiveness of a method is by trying it first-hand!

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