
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Octalysis Certificate Achiever: Jordan Rothenberg

In the summer of 2020 we had our first big Masterclass about Octalysis and Behavioral Design. This was in many aspects a big succes, one of the more important ways was the quality in Octalsis Certificate submissions from the Masterclass submissions we have seen.

Among them is Jordan Rothenberg. Jordan did his Octalysis submission about the 3-6 month performance-based onboarding curriculum for SFRS front-line customer service specialists at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

Most submissions we receive cover apps or other digital products. Jordan chose an offline experience of Service Specialists in Training.
These SSTs attend training sessions, complete written and verbal tests, shadow current staff. They perform reverse shadowing, create personal cheat sheets by topic, andare evaluated against qualitative and productivity metrics.

This onboarding experience is so extensive, that is has all the Four Phases of Discovery, Onboarding, Scaffolding and Endgame in it.

Learning and applying this material was definitely a deep-dive and growth inducing experience.

Jordan Rothenberg

Congratulations Jordan! We are looking forward to your submission for a Level 2 Certificate.

Check out the Hall of Fame where we show every person who, through skill and hard work, attained their Level 1 and Level 2 Octalysis Certificate!

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