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Infographic: The Facts Behind Dining Out and Healthy Meal Options

Dining Out Infographic Header

Earlier, we covered how much a restaurant should price items on their menu. In today’s Friday Infographic feature, we highlight the typical American and what is most important when dining out.

In 2011, the Restaurant Marketing Group, a division of ZenMango, performed a study that measured the likelihood of consumers returning to a restaurant brand. Among the findings, it was reported that 44% of restaurant customers say they are eating out less often and that 36% of respondents said they are purchasing more prepared food from grocery stores, as opposed to restaurants, than they have in the past.

With the average consumer more budget-conscious than ever, it’s important that players in the restaurant industry understand the financial aspects that their target customers now face as well as the factors that consumers rate as the most important when dining out.

As you will discover in the following infographic entitled The Skinny on Dining Out: Are Restaurant Menus Ruining Our Health Ambitions, consumers rate the following as the most important when dining out:

  • Food Quality & Taste: 65%
  • Customer Service: 37%
  • Menu Variety: 27%
  • Healthy Options: 26%

In addition, more and more consumers  are opting for dining options with healthier items on the menu. If you haven’t already, consider adding healthy item options to your menu. This will insure that you are meeting the needs and demands of all your customers.

Click on the following infographic to learn more about the growing economic trends and consumer preferences when it comes to dining out:

Click to Enlarge Infographic
Click to Enlarge Infographic

Statistic that restaurant players should be aware of: In 2012, consumers are projected to spend 5 percent less per meal when dining out.

How does your restaurant cater to the budget-conscious consumer? Have you adjusted your prices to match the expectations of your customers or have you not changed anything at all? Let us know how you address the changing needs of customers in the comments below.


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