Doing a little bit marketing is useless
If you put out 1 radio ad, 1 tv commercial, 1 tweet, 1 blog post, 1 news paper ad, your campaign will be useless and you would just be wasting money. Repeating the same message over and over again on the same platform is how you truly build your brand and market.
Social Media is about ENGAGEMENT
No money to market heavily? Use Social Media. Don’t just create accounts and leave it there. ENGAGE.
Like any social situation, there are guys who are popular, sociable and cool, and there are guys who are antisocial and awkward. Creating a Twitter Account and a blog is just to SHOW UP. Showing up doesn’t mean you are popular. Showing up and behaving like a loser is even worse than not showing up.
Join Social Media, but be prepared to brand yourself correctly, engage, care about your audiance, and create value for everyone.
Market and brand to win. Don’t market just because you want to keep up. Keeping up means you are never ahead.