
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (16 of 90): Unpredictability & Curiosity

Gamification Core Drive 7: Unpredictability & Curiosity

Hey guys,  I’ve finally released the new episode of the Beginner’s Guide to Gamification. We’re very close to finishing up the 8 Core Drives series. Phew, took some work! Now that I have a great helper to edit and complete the videos, I think we will be improving our momentum of these video releases.

I’m pretty excited, because as you may have noticed, I have been repeating the basic foundational materials on many mediums so far. Many of you may begin to think that this is the only stuff there is in my framework (Don’t forget there are 5 levels!). It’s just that you really need to understand the foundation before moving on to more advanced levels.

During speeches and workshops, most of my audiences don’t have knowledge of Octalysis, so I can’t cover the more advanced stuff in a shorter time-span. The advantage of the Beginner’s Guide to Gamification is that, with 90 Episodes, I can truly dive into the deep and advanced stuff of Octalysis Gamification and teach a lot of things that you wouldn’t be able to learn in a short period of time.

After we finish the 8 Core Drives, I’ll have one episode dedicated to just talking about the course and what we’re looking at ahead.

Then we’ll also cover some other basics such as White Hat vs Black Hat, Right Brain vs Left Brain, possibly the process of good Gamification Design, and then dedicate some episodes in Gamification in the Education Space.

Have fun!

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