
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

4 Types of Franchisees and How to Motivate Them To Do Better

4 Types of Franchisees and How to Motivate Them To Do Better

You can provide a better POS system, add a loyalty program, add a new coat of paint to the business; and yet, the business may still fail.  The reason – the franchisee did not get the job done.

The corporation is responsible for providing the franchisee with all the tools and training necessary for the success of the business.  This post will identify the 4 types of franchisees and how to motivate them to do better, work harder, and ultimately succeed as a franchise owner.

The 4 Types of Franchisees

1. The Driver

Drivers are born to lead – they’re a franchisee because they like taking risks and want to make the business decisions for themselves.  Drivers are hard-headed, impulsive, and first-movers when it comes to new initiatives from corporate.

How they lose motivation: Drivers lose motivation when they feel they lose control and power.  If you place too many guidelines, tell them how to run their business, and require them to do business your way, then you’ll lose them as a motivated franchisee.

How to motivate them to do better: Give Drivers the power to make their own decisions – but keep them within a framework.  For example, your new initiative may be to get your franchisees to try a new loyalty program.  Drivers will be the ones who’ll jump at the chance to try a new technology at their location.  Because they’re Drivers, ask them what kind of rewards they’d like to provide to their customers and for their feedback on the points system.  Drivers want to be heard and will provide you with key feedback to make your initiatives more successful.

2. The Analytical

Analyticals crunch numbers – they’re the doctor, accountant, and the guy in class who got all the A’s.  Analyticals made the decision to become a franchisee because they analyzed the numbers, the location, the franchise, and determined it was a smart business investment.  They will not be the first to try out a new initiative unless you have numbers to back up an increase in bottom-line profits.

How they lose motivation: Analyticals lose motivation when they don’t have the right data to perform their best.  If they can’t effectively track inventory, customers, sales, and social media, then they’ll lose interest to do better at the company.

How to motivate them to do better: Quite simple actually – give them the data to perform better.  They want the best technology to track inventory, sales, and customers so that they can optimize every process in their business.  For example, a loyalty program will give them the ability to track their best customers, what they purchase, and how often they purchase.  Understanding this information, Analyticals may create ways to up-sell at the POS to increase revenue or send text/email messages that drive people back to the business when they haven’t visited in 2 months.  Give them the information and they’ll put it to use.

3. The Expressive

Expressives are fun loving people that love trying new things, taking risks, and experiencing life.  Expressives became a franchisee because they thought it would be a fun, worthwhile experience.  They’re one of the first to try new initiatives from corporate because they naturally love to try new things.

How they lose motivation: If you constrict them with too many rules and guidelines, then they’ll lose motivation and quickly find another business adventure to spend their time on.  For example, if you require that they write an email newsletter every week and tell them that they can’t post on their own Twitter account without permission from corporate, then they’ll lose motivation to work for the company.

How to motivate them to do better: Give Expressives tools and outlets to express their creativity and build a better business.  For example, teach them about social media, loyalty programs, and text/email marketing and give them the option to lead the one they like best.  If they really like Facebook and Twitter, then provide them with the training and tools to build a great Fan Page and Twitter following.  They have the drive and energy to work hard on a marketing campaign; you just need to provide them with the right tools and point them in the right direction.

4. The Amiable

Amiables like to please people.  They became a franchisee because someone recommended that it was a good business idea.  They want to be a part of something bigger, be told what to do, and want to please corporate and their customers.  They won’t take the initiative to join a new campaign from corporate, but when specifically asked to do something, they’ll do it.

How they lose motivation: Amiables lose motivation when they’re left alone and feel like they’re no longer part of a bigger team.  If you don’t connect with them on a monthly basis, don’t give them goals to accomplish, and don’t provide recognition for their accomplishments, then they’ll seek another venture that provides them with acceptance and comfort.

How to motivate them to do better: Amiables love to hear from corporate, receive training, and get recognized for their accomplishments; therefore, you’ll need to keep in constant contact with Amiables to make them feel special.  If you want to launch a new loyalty program, tell Amiables that they have been hand-selected to try a new company initiative because of their hard work.  If an Amiable is struggling, invite them for personalized training or send a professional to the location to hand-hold the Amiable and teach them how to do better.

Franchisees joined your business because they believed in your product – they believed they could be a successful business owner.  Keep that dream and goal alive by tending to their needs and giving them the tools to succeed.

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