
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer Webinar: How To Use BIG DATA to Influence Behavior

RewardMe teamed up with to present the How to use BIG DATA to influence behavior webinar.

To view the presentation in full, click on the link below:

View the RewardMe BIG DATA webinar

Below is a description of the event and what you will learn:

One of the biggest trends to hit the restaurant space in 2011 was social media; in 2012, BIG DATA is taking over, delivering striking results.

By utilizing BIG DATA, franchises can predict consumer behavior, analyze consumer shopping patterns, and use the data to drive customer action. Ultimately, the goal of BIG DATA is to drive new trials and retention in the restaurant industry.  How can you use BIG DATA to reward guests, collect data and turn the insights into actionable results?

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to acquire important data from every customer
  • How to analyze BIG DATA so that it’s useful
  • How to use BIG DATA to drive new trials and increase retention
  • How to use BIG DATA to take the guess work out of choosing a new location for your franchise

If you have any questions about our presentation, be sure to leave them in the comments section.

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