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Infographic: How To Avoid Designing A Bad Website

Infographic: How To Avoid Designing A Bad Website Article

No one intentionally designs a bad website. Rather, a bad website is often the result of a variety of reasons ranging from a lack of understanding of the goal at hand, to what is essential rather than a distraction in a design.

Jeffrey Veen, author of “The Art and Science of Web Design” states

Designers can create normalcy out of chaos; they can clearly communicate ideas through the organizing and manipulating of words and pictures.

Just how first time parents consult baby books for tips and advice on raising a newborn, designing a website is not something you just jump into. It is a process that combines careful planning, an understanding of your target markets potential interaction and creativity.

To help assist those looking to design a new website, we have spotlighted the following infographic by KISSmetrics which features tips and advice on ways to attract potential customers as well as ways to keep user frustration to a minimum.

Infographic: How To Avoid Designing A Bad Website Article (click to expand)

Click to expand infographic

Here are our top 3 tips from the infographic that every website designer and business owner should be mindful of:

  1. Bad Navigation. Quick tip – Stay away from complex and overly confusing navigation tools. Keeping things simple means visitors to your site will be able to find what they are looking for the quickest.
  2. Bad Content Structure. Quick tip – Make sure that what you want people to read or take action on (email newsletter) is easy to find. Similar to the tip on improving a sites navigation, content should be easily available to a user. Having them ‘search’ for something will decrease your conversion and retention rates.
  3. Lack of Frequency. Quick tip – A great ‘looking’ website is a start. Be sure to give users a reason to come back to your website by regularly updating it. No one wants to come back to a website that hasn’t been updated for 6 months.

What are some of your favorite website designs? Link us to what you think are the best website designs on the web in the comment section below!

Tip by Jun Loayza:

And if you guys are looking for a quick, educational laugh, check out this post by the oatmeal: What I want from a restaurant website.

For small businesses on a budget, then I recommend using any easy, self-hosted WordPress installation with a custom theme.  I’ve used in the past because they’re cheap and have excellent customer service.  Give them a call and they can walk you through how to do a WordPress installation on your site.

Once you have that done, you’ll need to get a good theme.  Check out the following links for some free and premium themes for your website:


If you have a ~$1,000 budget for a website, then is a great place to get designers to compete for your bid.  $1,000 should cover a good custom design, coding, and installation onto WordPress.

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9 responses to “Infographic: How To Avoid Designing A Bad Website”

  1. Hi Thomas,

    The first step in starting your website would be to list out the functionality and features that you want.

    Online Ordering is a great start. Also consider things like if you want to have your menu online, will the site be for multiple locations or just one, how often do you plan on updating it, etc.

    A quick search for Online Ordering returned the following result which you may want to check out and discuss with your web developer when the time is right:!/online-food-ordering-system

  2. Hello Joseph, I am an owner of a hamburger restaurant in Miami. I have a lot of customers and am making good business.

    I have no website presence.

    I feel it’s time to create one, but I also want Online Ordering. Is there any online ordering system that you recommend?

  3. You say “a lack of frequency”.

    What are some tips to keep them coming back? You say that I need to keep them coming back, but don’t tell us how to actually do it. Any suggestions?

    • By frequency, I am referring to providing new content for the user to engage with.

      Some tips to keep content on your site fresh:

      – Change up your home page images, especially if you have a top story slider
      – Create a content calendar so that you stay organized and know what content you want to write about/create in advance

  4. Thanks for the tips on how to create a website.

    What about making it mobile friendly?

    Should I invest in a mobile app if I have a 5-location restaurant?

    • Garreth,

      Creating a mobile app can cost anywhere from a couple thousand to $10K and above. Aside from the costs, I wouldn’t suggest building a mobile app based strictly on the number of locations you have. A mobile app should be built only when there is a real demand for it.

      As a rule of thumb: think about what will really get a user to open up their smartphone, download an app, and use it more than once.

      In most cases, a mobile friendly website would be best.

      Here is a great article on how to make your site mobile friendly:

  5. Joseph, I want to start placing ads on my website, but I don’t want to alienate my readership.

    Where is the best place to place advertisements on a site?

    • Tobious,

      In the development stages of your website, I would suggest mapping out areas strictly for advertisement space.

      The most common place for ads is the right hand sidebar.

      I would also suggest that as a best practice to only allow advertisements that are relevant to you website. For example, if your site is focused on fishing, having an ad for track and field products doesn’t make sense.

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