
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (13 of 90): Ownership & Possession II

Ownership & Possession again!

This is the 13th episode of the Beginner’s Guide to Gamification. We’re half way through the 8 Core Drives, and after that I’ll do an episode on some administrative updates (content, in-video games, rewards, big picture, future plans and the like), then apply Octalysis to a few more things, and then move on to details of the 4 Experience Phases (which I have been writing about soon).

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  1. Game Technique: Build From Scratch
  2. Virtual Goods and Virtual Currencies
  3. Abundance vs Scarcity
  4. Intercession with non-sponsored commercials
  5. Game Technique: Monitoring
  6. Game Technique: Protection
  7. Game Technique: Recruitment

Enjoy, and feedback welcomed!

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20 responses to “The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (13 of 90): Ownership & Possession II”

  1. I remember when we were trying to sell our home and we were trying to decide what we thought the property would be worth. While we did our due diligence to do so (e.g. comparable sales…) , an alternative viewpoint crossed our paths… “the real value of something is whatever someone is willing to pay at that point.” I know that sounds obvious, but it does make one consider it differently.

    • As long as you have the “cash” in hand, you can pay whatever you need to to acquire an item. Generally with a home, you have to bring in a cautious 3rd party (mortgage lender) to help you finance the purchase.

      How do 3rd parties fit into gamification?

  2. After a small break I’m glad to continue watching your super video series=)
    Indeed, for “build from scratch” idea this is a fascinating power inside a game.
    And also knowing that virtual goods real money market is tens of billions$ – makes think about – why pay money for some stupid item in Diablo 3?!
    You really toch a nice vector about “if there is one, who finds it valuable – then it is already valuable”
    Real business gamification examples are not so easy to imagine here=) Looking forward to see examples in Next Episodes!

  3. Swede1Pro 
    Leader Board, yes I could be there, but I have been going through a horrible end game, and don’t wish to join any games right now, although i have found your excellent research and presentation exemplary, I have enjoyed following you and it has helped a great deal in understanding my past and shaping my future.
    Right now I am levelling up on my timeline, but thanks for putting it out there 😉

  4. Yu-kai Chou achintngm even the newly added water-cooler badge is dead, if it is linked to comments.. as the hint on it says..!

  5. Yu-kai Chou achintngm  no idea, my net speed will not permit me for a smooth buffering hence I download the videos and then watch them. For making the activity count I play the video and just fast forward it till the end. May be this is compensation for my sin, which I cannot control to do.. just made to 200,000+ .. 😉
    champion level is in my reach..wished atleast video or G+ or comment or Yu badge or couch badge worked for me

    though I can still game it, but it will take some hours to reach there, busy today will do it another day.. 😉

  6. achintngm Ah, that is annoying. I wonder why it doesn’t work for you if it works for others. Maybe it doesn’t work if you are being too “efficient” on the videos?

  7. it is so frustrating, when i watch a video it is not counted in my activity, but when a newbie does it is getting counted… how will i make it to the 200,000 mark with such obstacles.. ;(

  8. AlfredoPrietoMa RubenGP Haha, so interesting. In US, “Crack me up” means “made me laugh” “You are on crack” means you do cocaine. I didn’t know that in Spanish it means “awesome.” This is like in Chinese also, “You are so cow!” means you are powerful and impressive, but in Taiwan, if you tell people they are like a cow, it means slow moving and sometimes lazy…

      • Aren’t words funny?

        One word can have so many different meanings depending on whether we’re using it as a noun, verb, or adjective, and that is before we start to take into account the context!

  9. Yu-kai Chou RubenGP AlfredoPrietoMa It could be, it could be… sorry, crack is not only the drug jejej this Spanish expression actually means: “To be awesome, to be a He-man or master of the (gamifying) universe in your case” 🙂

  10. RubenGP AlfredoPrietoMa Haha…what does it mean to be a “crack”? I thought that has something to do with doing drugs…-_-|||

  11. AlfredoPrietoMa Haha, that makes a lot of sense. A great way to think about the Lottery ->perceived value (exaggerated) and success probability (smaller than perceived…psychology shows that people can’t comprehend the different between 1 out of a million vs 1 out of 10 million, even though you can win the 1 out of a million TEN times before winning a 1 out of 10 million. 
    At the end of the day, people are buying “Hope” 😉

  12. Hi there, 
    I totally agree on AlfredoPrietoMa’s comments since feeling that the acquired knowledge is going to be useful to put in practice in their professional environments is one of the greatest intrinsic motivators.
    In fact, gamification in learning is particularly benefitial because by means of those “gamified” strategies we can directly address our students’ levels of intrinsic motivation. Specially if we discover which dynamics are mechanics are more efficient to do so and to encourage them in a long-term way. And some of the basic components (pbl and others) help reinforce their extrinsic motivation.
    On the other hand, those mechanisms are also good at improving their social skills and allow students to discover how they should performance in highly changing environments so usual nowadays.
    By the way, I also think you are a crack @YoukaiChou  I’d like to know if playing chess you deserve the same remark 😉 Ha, hahahaha

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