Thorsten Niemeyer joined Octalysis Prime only three months ago from Germany.
He already hosted a successful Monday’s Mini Challenge. The Monday’s Mini Challenge are weekly Challenges we offer to our exclusive Slack community to put their knowledge into practice, train, provide and receive feedback.
In June this year, Thorsten will start fulltime in gamification:
His mission is to make real life as playful and engaging as our favorite games. He does this by leveling up the joy and engagement of the heroes that make up a company, and of customers and clients.
This is not the end of his long list of recent achievements. Thorsten also belongs to the group of Octalysis Primers who have not only attained their Octalysis Certificate, but have attained it in one try.
This submission covers the user experience of AnkiDroid, a flashcards app to help with studying. The design of the app is very minimalistic, so Thorsten took on the challenge of making the experience more engaging while keeping the design slim.
Thank you very much for your extensive and valuable feedback and the certification! I’m super happy to have earned it. I will definitely make use of this well!
Thorsten Niemeyer
Congratulations Thorsten! Your growth is impressing and we are sure to be hearing of you in the future!
Check out the Hall of Fame where we show every person who, through skill and hard work, attained their Level 1 and Level 2 Octalysis Certificate!
Do you want to find out what Gamification is all about, or bring your skills to the next level? Head over to Octalysis Prime and sign up to try the FREE version of Octalysis Prime (no strings attached) to join our community of passionate and driven members. Like Thorsten