
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (18 of 90): Chou Force Intervention

The Gamification Epic Continues

In this episode, I’m just talking about the video series in general and sharing some of my thoughts and the development of my career.

Some editing mistakes and more stuttering, but that’s how awesome things are made. I think.

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13 responses to “Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (18 of 90): Chou Force Intervention”

  1. The value here is fantastic. I can recall classes in my Masters program that did not deliver as much to think about or integrate with my other skills as this set has so far.

  2. Yu-Kai!
    This video was something a bit … I don’t know which word to use, a bit confusing maybe.
    There are idea messages inside the text that there is not too much time left for all the 90 videos to be finished, and it seems that indeed more business-like features started to appear in your time – like working with Fortune’s top companies and etc.
    But as we discussed a bit earlier – please try to integrate this video completed course into Octalisys 2.0 – your Kickstarter project, that will be for sure successful!
    And maybe, you need to “delegate” this important task to your team so that they could prepare scenarios to you and you could only invest part of your time into this video’s project?
    If we may discuss some sort of gamelike business-sense – this free video-set is a very attracting on-boadring mech into the big Octalysis story.
    So I and, probalbly, all the followers of this blog, wish you regain your Force =) Regroup for a new Leap into Octalysis 2.0 and may the market be friendly and (as Ghidon said in a previous comment) don’t be shy to make some money on making this world better =)

  3. Personally i believe you are doing a great service to Humanity, your name will be remembered Yu-Kai!
    And there is nothing wrong in profiting from that.

  4. “Post #4: These videos are Human Motivators in themselves, given the colorful planetary geography and stimulating background settings. Enjoying the human connection, brings the viewer into the speaker and speakers educational world, and allows for a personal connection towards understanding at deeper level, what this means and what this platform is, how it may manifest in various areas of one’s life. The weight game also gets me intrigued to see outcome and results in Episode 22 (and catching up as this video was recorded nearly one year ago)!


  5. Thanks for sharing some personal thoughts. This is what makes this videos so special. Hope you still can find some time to continue until #90.

    Wish you all the best for achieving your goals Yu-Kai!!

    • I have found that the best way to capture the secret word is to change the video speed to 25% and then do what I can to get the word over a readable background.

      It is a little tough sometimes, but is DOES get us engaged.

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