1-Day Workshop for the World Gamification Congress in Barcelona Spain (11/11)
Many have asked if I’m doing a workshop in Europe or if my workshops can be friendlier to Asia/Australia Time Zones. So I’m now doing a 1-Day Workshop in Europe at the World Gamification Congress in Barcelona Spain (with a online/cheaper component). It will happen on Nov 11, or 11/11. If you are in Europe (or even Asia/Australia time zones !) here is your chance to transform your life:
Click Here to get your tickets now!!
Oh also, if you use this Discount Code, you will get to save 20% off the entire conference AND my workshop if you this unique and limited code: yu-kai-octalysis-gwc-20
Quick update of my travels and plans
I’m pretty stoked because tomorrow at 5AM I’ll be flying out to Boston to do a workshop for the Peabody Essex Museum, which apparently is the oldest continuously-running Museums in the United States. Even though it was founded in 1799, it still tries to be at the forefront of innovation and experience trends. That’s why it wants me to help them figure out how to bring gamified experiences into the Museum space. I’m excited!
But also, after that, I will begin by journey into Europe where I start off with a speech and a full-day workshop at the World Gamification Congress in Barcelona Spain (tickets and discount code above). Then I will travel to Italy to meet with my Managing Director Joris Beerda and see Rome, Venice and other places for my Beginner’s Guide to Gamification Video Series or even footage for my upcoming Kickstarter on the secret project Octalysis Prime.
Afterwards I’m going to Zurich Switzerland to run some workshops for some Octalysis Licensees who want to use the power of the 8 Core Drives to help clients in Europe. Finally, I set foot in London to meet my designer, some friends, and potential clients. If you happen to be in those areas, let’s see if we can find a time to meet!