
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Learn to Trust the Authority of Experts

(Viddler Screwed Old Users by deleting all their videos, so no video here 🙁 )

Learn to trust the authority of expert

Often times, there would be more experienced people trying to give you advice. However, it is so easy to dismiss it and say “No, that’s not the way. This person doesn’t understand our business.” However, after being on the side of the more “experienced” person, I realized how sometimes it is very straight forward for the expert, and clients or mentees just can’t see their work from a third person perspective while being too attached to what they already have. After that, I have fully learned to trust the people who have more experience and expertise in a field that I haven’t been a lot of time in.

Imagine talking to yourself ten years later. I’m sure the you ten years later will tell you that you are doing lots of things incorrectly. I’m also sure you will listen because you believe that person has more experience than you right now and will tell you what is correct. Now the expert is somewhat like the you ten years later in the narrow field that he is expert about. Why would you not listen to his experience over your speculation?

Trusting the authority of experts is actually a skill that requires some heart to learn too. Try to learn that today.

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6 responses to “Learn to Trust the Authority of Experts”

  1. No matter how expert the expert is, no matter how passionate or rhetorical one chooses to be, we must always leave room for others advice and opinions.

  2. Hi, YuKai,

    Yoyoyo! So, after watching this video, that’s something that I would like to say. Whenever I think of FD or viralogy, it’s completed associated with your CMO Jun. You have the product branded around one person itself, that’s dangerous. As an example, when you log into Facebook or Twitter, 9 out of 10 people don’t even know who the founder is, they just recognized the product. Your case is completely different, people know Jun better than your product.

    Now that he might be leaving, its like buying a CocaCola, then taking out the label and passing it out the customer. The customer doesn’t recognize it’s CocaCola anymore eventhough it’s still taste good. I think you get the point. It’s time to think of your branding strategy. Don’t fall into this fundamental flaw.

    • Hey Disappointed!

      Thanks for your advice and concern. Since Jun is our CMO, we definitely have been running campaigns where he is the face, and I think he’s been doing a very good job. Just like Myspace had that Tom guy and Digg has Kevin Rose, we wanted to make sure we’re not just a product, but people that our users can care about!

      I’m confident that Jun will remain loyal to FD, but because of financial reasons, he can no longer be the face of Viralogy, which is fine. Our biggest priority is to really make sure the product is valuable and that people will want to use it.

      Again, thanks for caring about Viralogy! Most people don’t even spend time learning the relationship between Viralogy and FD. You apparently have been with us for a long time now. I hope you have a great weekend and take care!

  3. Great insights, I really think you can learn a lot from other people. Sometimes it sparks new ideas.

    Its important to listen to expects because they been where you want to be. They lead the path for you, once you have an open mind.

    • Hey Tony! Thanks for the encouragement!

      Yea, it’s hard to have an open mind, even when people are experts. Again, some experts are scams too, and you just have to recognize that. How is your life going?

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