
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

yukai chou gamification

Staying Happy and Positive makes you Valuable

Chou Notes

1. Being happy and positive often is a talent, and it actively makes your group stronger. Create value by being happy.

2. When you get criticized for your work, as long as the person is not trying to personally hurt you, don’t take it personally and thank them for pointing out how you can create the best result. Your goal is to create good results, not get approval from others.

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8 responses to “Staying Happy and Positive makes you Valuable”

  1. Great post Yu-Kai. I think most of us know that, but isn’t it funny how we forget. We get so wrapped up in what we are doing that we forget that each project is another step to making us and those around us better, not just accomplishing the task. And yes, one team member being grumpy can steal he whole teams mojo!

    • Thanks for commenting David! (I still owe you a hello :D)

      Yea, a lot of good advice out there are actually intuitive and even obvious, but we forget about them all the time because we get too emotionally involved.

      Hope all is well!


    • Davin, I fully agree with you. I try to establish a habit of writing down all those good moments that I had throughout the day in the evening. It’s amazing how just writing them down helps to relive this moments and the involved positive emotions. And no matter how frustrating the day was and how much the project sucked, I usually find at least one good moment.

      What’s much harder to accomplish is being mindful throughout the day and not getting absorbed by all those distractions. Especially a grumpy team member can rob you from all those great ambitions you had for the day. I try to deal with this by setting up small triggers (like a post-it) that remind me on being mindful, but currently I have absolutely space for improvement here. 😉

  2. I actually watched the whole thing. I find myself compelled to see what weird stuff you will do next, but also learn something because I’m actually listening.

    You look like a rapper at the end.

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