
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Octalysis Certificate Achiever: Robert Sherman

We are very strict when reviewing submissions for the Octalysis Certificates. The bar we have set is high, even for the Level 1. This means that most people need one or two re-submissions before meeting all the criteria, if at all.

It also means that those who earned their certificate have really proven that they are worthy!

Robert is one of the few people who managed to obtain the Octalysis Level 1 Certificate with their first submission! Impressive.

Robert’s analysis of the weight-loss app Noom is steady on all fronts. He also took into consideration the experience of the reader.

By adding a progress bar on the slides, the reader gains more control over their experience (CD2) and is more likely to keep on reading.

Congratulations, Robert. Well done!

I am so excited to receive my Level 1 Certificate, and even more excited to take part in this amazing community. 

Robert Sherman

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