
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Dopamine Button

An awesome guide to becoming an Online Course Entrepreneur (from an OP Member)

Have you heard of the Great Resignation?

That’s when people quit their jobs during COVID-19, and ride off into the sunset to start a new glorious journey of self-employment.

But guess what, the Great Resignation is turning into the Great Regret for many people, as they struggle to find viable ways to stay afloat without a job.

In fact, even know 29% of those who quit their jobs have gone back to full-time employment (and those are the lucky ones – many of them can’t even get their jobs back).

At the same time, the online education industry is nearing a billion dollars A DAY in sales. That’s a lot of people buying a lot of courses!

Don’t you feel there is some kind of imbalance here, AKA a Great Opportunity!

Now many people want to create an online course, but most would-be course creators end up throwing their courses in the trash because of low sales, low engagement and low student results. 

So how do you avoid the dreaded course graveyard and create a course your students not only buy and finish, but will get so much value from they buy from you again and again?

Of course, one way is just to upgrade your fundamental skills in the Octalysis Framework and Behavioral Design through my Octalysis Prime mentorship program (It’s like downloading my brain with over 1000 videos on understanding how the human mind works and creating desired behaviors).

Octalysis Prime Learning Platform

But another GREAT opportunity just showed up too. My friend & course expert Marisa Murgatroyd (who’s also an OP Member who learned and applied the Octalysis Framework into her work!) made 3 very simple tweaks to one of her courses, and BOOM:

Her sales and engagement skyrocketed, her students got incredible results — turning them into loyal fans who signed up to work with her again and again. 

In fact, I can verify that she went from “trying to figure it out” to suddenly selling $33 Million worth of courses in the last few years!

She’s had some students who have now spent 30x or more their initial investment to work with her year after year to continue growing their business.

So it’s safe to say she’s figured out how to avoid the course graveyard.

So what does that have to do with me?

I just learned that Marisa is sharing her incredible secrets away in a free brand-new Guide. 

It’s called The Dopamine Button: 3 Brain Hacks That Skyrocket Your Online Course Sales

Dopamine Button Online Course

If you’re selling any kind of course, coaching program or digital product you’ll want to look into this. 

Marisa will basically show you:

  • The 3 simple “hacks” to turn your course into an engaging & fun experience students WANT to take over and over
  • The counterintuitive strategy Marisa developed to instantly stand out from the competition and make more sales than ever
  • The secrets of Silicon Valley’s “tech bros” that practically guarantee customer success and automatic testimonials

I was so excited about this free guide that I asked to partner up with her. Hopefully we’ll see more from this partnership soon!

Get ‘The Dopamine Button’ Guide here

When you download this Guide, you’ll also be invited to the LIVE Companion Workshop with Marisa on October 5th @ 1pm PT.

So don’t procrastinate on getting it as it’s only a couple days away!

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