
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

I lost my blog since 2005 :(

For SEO sake (Search Engine Optimization), my company Future Delivery decided to switch main domain names in Bluehost from to What I was not informed of is that I need to not only back up all the files, but the databases too, however way it can be done. Once I realize that is the case, it is already too late.

In economics, we learn about sunk costs, which means that what is lost is already lost, and you need to make decisions based on the future instead of the past. I lost some of my most important thoughts, feelings and comments of times when I am angry, frustrated, delighted, impressed, confused, and rare times when I am insightful. To make matters worse, I also lost my planner/diary for 2008 very recently.

Would I be reduced to something less if I have lost my past? Would it change how I should live my moments, and how does it affect my future? The past may not be worth thinking about. I will take the present, and leverage it to make a better future. I will live on, and so will my blog.

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2 responses to “I lost my blog since 2005 :(”

  1. I remember one time in my life I was keeping my most recent works on my flashdrive. Well, I kept creating new stuff and lost track of keeping things backed up. You know how this one is ending, right? I lost a lot of it when my flashdrive went bad. Fortunately, I was able to salvage some things with the assistance of our fine IT folk. But some things were lost forever. Stand up, get back on the horse.

  2. I realize you back up everything now, but a nice idea is to use cloudbased planners, such as e.g. Google Calender… this is a great way to

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