
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (4 of 90): The Octalysis Framework

*New to Gamification? Check out my post What is Gamification & the Gamification Framework: Octalysis*

Click here to see all videos in this Series


Gamification Notes:

This is the 4th Episode out of 90 on Gamification, and it introduces my core framework: Octalysis. For those who are following my work, you’ll see a lot of repeat information, but after this episode, we’ll start diving into new content that I haven’t covered yet (there’s a reason why I set it to 90 episodes).

In this episode, we cover:

  • What Octalysis is
  • Reason behind creating Octalysis
  • Review of the 8 Core Drives in Gamification
  • Basics of Octalysis
  • Left Brain and Right Brain Octalysis
  • White Hat and Black Hat Gamification

As I’m still doing a lot of new experiments in these videos, please leave as much feedback as possible (perhaps there is a way to gamify “brutal feedback”)

By the time I finished all 90 episodes, my video editing skills will most likely surpass my Gamification skills…if that is even possible!



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14 responses to “Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (4 of 90): The Octalysis Framework”

  1. To maximize recently acquired skills or knowledge, you are coming from LOSS (you want to avoid losing those skills or knowledge which have a 1/2 life if not used).

    Does this reinforcement make this a Black Hat gamifier?

  2. Ok, I’ll just come out and say it… “I wish I thought up the concept and details of “Octalysis!” Pretty cool. Good job! 🙂

  3. One idea to “Unpredictability & Curiosity” nice example is the people who love weather forecasts.
    Mostly the weather is almost the same day by day, so the real reason is just curiosity, to touch something unpredictable and then to blame forecast in case of mistake.

  4. Yu-Kai, I really appreciate your using the different modalities to cover your content – text, video, audio, exercises. The blend reinforces the learning. Personally I notice that I can tire of reading but be fresh to watch & listen.
    Great stuff!

  5. Hey Yu-Kai awesome course. I am a psychologist of 34 years standing and have never understood drives so clearly. I can see you have done incredible research and simplified complex human behaviours to 8 easy to understand core drives, a mammoth task, which must have kept you up many a night.

    Brilliant work!!

    I know these early videos are experimental, I am probably older than most people watching and come from old school video editing, but some of it is just not watchable!! Too much movement just makes me dizzy (I am not blond…) the nausea detracts from the valuable information and I have to turn my head away to concentrate and maintain my focus on the words. It’s great when you go to a cut away and you are panning the ducks for example but running on a treadmill and speaking at the same time …..not sure about that, also you definitely walk straight it’s just difficult to stabilize the camera when you walk.

    Come on you filmmaker fundi’s out there mentor this genius…..!!

    • Thanks for the kind words. Yes, everyone has a different learning style. Some people can’t stand how the video bounces all over the place (I later decided to at least stand still when I’m filming….it used to be my using my time between meetings and travels), while some really love it.

      But that’s why the material is in different forms. It’s in this goofy video series, it’s in my book, it’s in many blog posts, it’s in TEDx videos and Google Speeches, and the most extensive and well-made experience will be in my Octalysis Prime program.

      Oh, and a more conservative Udemy course too 🙂

  6. Again nobody in 2016=)
    Ok, so this comment is just to upgrade a level. Only a Governor yet…
    Yu-kai, please create more tasks to become a Gosu (LVL 29) faster=)
    Thanks for beind great!
    And the video is very cool too! As always – funny abouth very important and serious things!

  7. To me the concept of gamification is core to life after all we all want to win the game – I am truly excited to be able to learn all about it from the Master

  8. At this point, I understand the necessity of a balance between white vs. black hat gamification, but how about left side vs. right side? Is it about targeting more people?

  9. In portuguese: Este texto é realmente muito relevante para as minhas pesquisas e desenvolvimento do meu projeto de doutorado. Parabéns pelo texto! Certamente vou utilizá-lo na minha Tese de Doutorado.

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