
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Octalysis Certificate Achiever: Youssef Ouazzani

Ever since we massively revamped our Octalysis Certificates, submissions have impressed us with higher quality.

Here you can see the Hall of Fame with every person who attained their Level 1 and Level 2 Octalysis Certificate!

Youssef Ouazzani – Association Marocaine des Jeunes Bénévoles

Youssef Ouazzani committed to the effort of attaining his Level 1 Octalysis Certificate with his Engage4Fun work about AMJB. This association aims to help the city of Casablanca by encouraging young people to help their fellow citizens daily by e.g. caring for the elderly, and a food & clothing bank.

Congratulations Youssef! We hope this CD15 motivated organization will blossom with the implementation of your ideas.

Got a taste of the things you will learn in Octalysis Prime, or want to try your hand at your own Octalysis Certificate submission?

Head over to Octalysis Prime and sign up to try the FREE version of Octalysis Prime (no strings attached) to join our community of passionate and driven members like Youssef.

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