
Gamification Expert &

Behavioral Designer

Octalysis Level 2 Certificate Achiever: Colin Hahn

“Wait, didn’t I already see a blog post about Colin Hahn’s Octalysis Certificate recently?”

Yes, you did, Colin is on a roll! He attained his Level 1 certificate with this submission about Talent Development. And very shortly after submitted for the prestigious Level 2 Octalysis Certificate, which he achieved in one go!

The chosen experience to analyse and improve is Leadership Engine, a program to develop new leaders at Douglas Dynamics.

Douglas Dynamics is a publicly traded manufacturing company. They produce work truck attachments and install attachments onto work truck chasses.

Currently, 230 of the 1,750 employees are in first-level leadership roles: Team leads, Operations managers and Office managers. But the new leader experience at Douglas Dynamics is inconsistent and ad hoc, creating a significant opportunity for the new Leadership Engine program to improve labor productivity, engagement, and turnover.

[slideshare id=249747441&doc=colinhahn-leadershipenginev120210421-210715064003]

Colin diligently creates a full Octalysis Strategy Dashboard, capturing all the information required to guide the design process. For Level 2 this also includes Feedback Vehicles, Feedback Mechanics and Rewards.

By creating an Octalysis Graph to analyze the motivation provided by the current experience he identifies the key areas for improvement.

After Brainstorming for features to fill the gaps and make sure the new experience is motivating for the main Player Type, Colin created visuals to explain his ideas. A requirement for the Level 2 Certificate.

This is his proposal for an improved visual dashboard.

Congratulations Colin for reaching this impressive milestone and adding your name to the Hall of Fame! You’ve earned it.

Try out Octalysis Prime for FREE, if you also want to master all the skills required to motivate your employees.

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