Author: AverageJoey

  • Octalysis of 8 Gamified Alarm Clock

    Octalysis of 8 Gamified Alarm Clock

    (This is a post by one of the very few people who hold a Level-1 Octalysis Certificate in Gamification: Average Joey. To check out their other writings, go to the StartMyQuest Blog!) The “Eye-Opening” Gamified Alarm Clock Industry Alarm clocks. We have a love, hate relationship with them. There are alarms that fly around sending…

  • How Gamification at keeps you writing every day

    How Gamification at keeps you writing every day

    This is a guest post by secret gamification agent and webland wanderer, Average Joey. Joey doesn’t believe in real names or for those bringing gamification to life, that you should worry too much about a single construction of reality. Imagine, explore, play. Isn’t that what games and life is all about? The Gamification of writing I…