Author: Christine Yee

  • Do Video Games Make Us Violent?

    Do Video Games Make Us Violent?

    For years, the debate on video games and their impacts on the psyches of players has dominated social and political discourse, especially around industry regulations. The question of whether or not video games cause violence is certainly controversial and its fierce debate particularly arises in the aftermath of school shootings and mass murders. Naturally, people seek…

  • How A Game Helps Disadvantaged Women and Children Around the World

    How A Game Helps Disadvantaged Women and Children Around the World

    Many women and children in developing countries have very limited opportunities to shape their futures. Their are countless tragic stories of abuse, intolerance, oppression, and suffering that because of their diminished voice go unnoticed by the rest of the world. Half the Sky Movement is a transmedia initiative that was created to shed light on…

  • How More Organizations Are Playing At Work

    How More Organizations Are Playing At Work

    As many of you are well aware, the potential of gamification extends far beyond recreational fun. And 2013 was the year that a new book was published exploring this exact topic. It’s called Play at Work: How Games Inspire Breakthrough Thinking by Adam Penenberg, a professor of journalism at New York University. He is also…

  • When Playing Games Can Help Save Lives

    When Playing Games Can Help Save Lives

    When immersed in a great game experience, learning, doing and solving problems feels completely effortless- the hours fly by.  The non-game enthusiast may see this as an idle past-time and some may even regard the compulsion to keep playing as a kind of addiction. But the people behind the Internet-Response League view this as an…