Top 10 Apps To Help Improve the Lives of Autism Spectrum Children (2024)
Most of you probably know of at least one family with a child on the autism spectrum. The current prevalence rate has been estimated to be about 1 in 68, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Because the range of symptoms varies so widely, it can be difficult to quickly describe what […]
Top 10 Eco-Friendly Apps For A Cleaner, Greener World (2024)
We are now living in a pivotal point in our history. Humankind is actively finding new answers to forging the right balance between the needs of nature and modern living. However, this overall endeavor is not limited to scientists, engineers, and product innovators. And though it requires large-scale institutional change, it also involves the collective […]
5 Psychology Books That Contextualize Gamification Design
(Click here if you are interested in Yu-kai Chou’s Book “Actionable Gamification” – Beyond Points, Badges and Leaderboards.” The book sold over 100K copies and is referenced by over 2500 Ph.D. Theses and Academic Journals.) The obvious and ultimate point of creating games is to satisfy players. But to do this successfully requires a complex process […]
Gamification and Operant Conditioning
Written by Christine Yee For those of you who are truly interested in creating compelling games, here is something to consider: Should a game be judged favorably because players find it hard to break away from and spend countless hours immersed in it? It would seem so, wouldn’t it? However, it is quite possible to feel […]
Five Examples of Gamified Crowdsourcing To Learn From
Crowdsourcing is a method of actionable community engagement that harnesses the collective wisdom, contributions, and capabilities of large numbers of people (i.e. the “crowd” in crowdsourcing). Crowdsourcing has been used to solicit, improve, and address complex virtual and real-world challenges. Some of these applications are in the areas of: Innovation and creativity Building accurate and […]
Empowering Creativity Through Moral Choices
Creativity through Choices and Consequences By Christine Yee Humans are inherently driven to play, imagine and create. Games that enable the healthy expression of Core Drive 3: Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback, can offer intensely compelling experiences. One emerging and increasingly prevalent game design strategy focuses on providing players opportunities to consider weighty moral choices. This reflection […]
Five Educational Games You Wish You Played In School
Written by Christine Yee Learning should be fun. However, this is not the experience of most kids in conventional schooling systems. Reading and math can be frustrating for a child who does not understand the underlying concepts or the larger picture of what they are learning. In many cases, students are structurally encouraged to just rote […]