New Video Series: The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (1 of 90)

*New to Gamification? Check out my post What is Gamification & the Gamification Framework: Octalysis*

Click here to see all videos in this Series

New Video Show: The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (1 of 90)

Some friends have recommended me to make a video show on Gamification and so I decided to start a Video Guide that shares everything I know about Gamification.

This is a video series where I talk about all the aspects game mechanics and fun stuff of Gamification.It will involve 90 episodes, each lasting between 5-10 minutes.

Above is the first video, which includes:

  • Intro
  • Objectives of the Guide
  • Yu-kai’s Qualification
  • Brief intro on what is Gamification
  • Example of how Games make kids hardcore grunt workers
  • How Gamification is a booming field
  • Rules to his Keyword Collection Game and a Weight Loss plan

As you can see in the video, I made a variety of experiments to make the guide a bit more playful (and random).

Look forward to Feedback!

45 thoughts on “New Video Series: The Beginner’s Guide to Gamification (1 of 90)”

  1. I love your tip to put your hair up in a bun, I find it really odd that all those medical series like Greys Anatomy all the doctors have their hair loose and all over the place. I am sure that in reality it is essential to have your hair properly tied back and out of the way in a medical setting! I would also highly recommend having flat shoes features help the member to find compatible matches. Some have even a further reach than China allowing dating in Taiwan for foreigners or dating in other Asian regions.

  2. Love the differentiation between authentic gamification and merely adding the badges to a process.

  3. The stage for Onboarding is set!

    You have developed your life’s research into an amazing body of work, Yu-Kai. The framework is truly captivating in and of itself, even without the embedded gamification techniques… always more to discover, when applying it to real-life contexts.

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