Invited to become a Keynote Speaker at USC for the ITASA West Coast Conference 2009

The ITASA West Coast Conference is a yearly event that gathers hundreds of students from all the Taiwanese organizations in the Pac-10 schools and creates a discussion about the Taiwanese heritage, struggles and successes in society, among lots of other things. When I was a second year in college, I remember my friend Eric Dong hosting it at UCLA. I was quite surprised when I got the invitation to speak at one though. There’s another reason for blogging 🙂

I believe last year it was hosted at Stanford, and this year it is hosted at USC (I hope they don’t throw rocks at me…). I’ve been thinking about a little what I would talk about and here’s I came up with:

I will talk about my experiences growing up in a variety of continents and becoming a social entrepreneur. Being from a diplomat family, I grew up in Taiwan, South Africa, Kansas and California, adapting to constantly changing environments. The talk will include how that background led me to start my first business first year of college, and how other students can become entrepreneurs too.

Also, I will introduce the FD Lifestyle: how to convert life into a game that you love and must master. I will then discuss how to strive in a glass ceiling society by empowering through social media and personal branding. Finally, I will share some ideas regarding some important trends in the future such as sustainability/green, social media, and virtual worlds.

If you are Taiwanese and in the Socal area, be sure to sign up for the event too 🙂

Thank You Reader Love!

So during the past couple of weeks, I have been getting quite a few awesome responses from my readers through Twitter, email, and the blog itself. Through that I have met a lot of great people like Aminata, Lily, and Jason.

As you guys know by now, I have a very explain-y style, which results in longer posts. I tend to pack a lot of information into one blogpost, and that makes my blog a bit tougher for reader adaption compared to Jun’s short and friendly blogposts. It also takes me a long time to write these posts, which is tough when you are an entrepreneur that works 90 hours a week.

Sometimes I contemplate if time spent on this blog is worth it, since it takes hundreds or even thousands of hours of committed work without much ROI to it. However, its times like that when I suddenly get the most encouraging messages from readers. I want to include here one that completely made my day last week. This particular one is from Facebook:

Continue reading Thank You Reader Love!

5 non-obvious things to check for your new home

In the past few years, I have moved quite regularly as an entrepreneur nomad. I realized that most of the time, when people want a new house/apartment, they base it on the first five seconds they walk into the place. They either love it or they don’t. If those five seconds were phenomenal, then it’s time to check if the price is affordable.

Here’s a list of non-obvious things that you  may not check but one-way or another impacts your quality of everyday life while you live there.

1. The Shower

Most people just check if the water works properly when checking out the bathroom. However, one of the things you should check is how long does it take the water to become hot. A good shower experience can dramatically change your attitude during the day. Some places take a long time for the water to warm up, and you not only waste a lot of water at a time when water might be in deficit, you end up waiting cold and naked in the bathroom for longer when you are in need for that refreshing feeling.

Needless to say, how powerful the shower is should take a big part of your shower experience too. Showers that have nice massaging power is much better in getting you relaxed and refreshed than ones that just “get you wet.”

Continue reading 5 non-obvious things to check for your new home

Jon Stewart COMPLETELY destroys Jim Cramer

OK, this is just something that I have to show. This might be old for some folks, but I’m sure lots of you have never seen this yet. I’m starting to like Jon Stewart more now.

Jon basically grills Jim Cramer of playing the market and basically cussing to Jim’s face. It gets more intense on the third video.

The show speaks for itself, so I won’t say much more.

Continue reading Jon Stewart COMPLETELY destroys Jim Cramer

Awesome Bloggers Launching!

(This is Jun, my co-founder)

You guys might be wondering what we have been doing these days,  as Jun, Joe and I have been mostly writing about interesting topics on our blog but not really updating about Future Delivery. What do we have in our sleeves?

Well, you guys may already know we’re working on what we think could be an industry-changing site called Viralogy. Viralogy aims to help personal bloggers become discovered and also create a Social Media Rank. While we’re still getting out of our Alpha stage (with strangers playing with it), we are excited to first launch a new project called Awesome Bloggers.

Continue reading Awesome Bloggers Launching! Glenn Beck’s 9 Principles and 12 Values

Craze about touching the people’s heart

Today, I saw that the 912 Project by Glenn Beck was disproportionally popular on the internet. It has been getting a lot of attention on Google Trends and Twitter. I decided to investigate it a little bit and wanted to share what I found.

After some investigation, I realized the actual website was down due to the high traffic. So many people were enthusiastic about the project, it actually crashed the Fox servers 5 times! Quite impressive. Now this is something that I really want to find out.

What is

After a good amount of research (actually quite difficult), I found the best summary about the 912 Project on Mahalo:

“Project 912 is the brain child of conservative talk show host and radio personality Glenn Beck. According to the website, the origin of the title is in remembrance of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. The program was revealed on becks Special You Are Not ALone on March 13, 2009. Beck encouraged viewers to send in photographs of themselves, and the site created an art piece of a man holding a flag with the script “We the People” printed on the bottom.”

The idea of is that since right now the world is in chaos, people need to go back to their true essence.
This essence can be summed up as the 9 Principles and 12 Values. A lot of the 9 Principles and 12 Values were taken out of religious text, Founding Father writings, and some common sense.

Continue reading Glenn Beck’s 9 Principles and 12 Values

Age vs Experience: being young does not disqualify you from performing well

Pre-judgements are often made based on age

A few days ago I had a good voice chat with my good friend and internet personality Jamie Varon. We talked about her goals of breaking through social boundaries and setting people free from surrounding expectations.

In the middle of the conversation, we started talking about young social media marketers. Being completely appropriate on topic, she asked me, “and how old are you?”

That’s when my mind suddenly made a little pause.

I usually feel a little reserved when people ask about my age, particularly because I know that people inevitably make some judgements based on age. And up till now, my age does not put me in the good side of this judgement.

Continue reading Age vs Experience: being young does not disqualify you from performing well